Mega list of practical Deep Learning projects
These projects are divided in multiple categories, same problem may appear in more than one categories.
Problems are motivated by the ones shared at:
- Text - including natural language under this section
- Forecasting - mostly Time Series and similar forecasting challenges
- Recommender Systems
- Vision - includes image and video processing
Autonomous Tagging of Stack Overflow Questions
- Make a multi-label classification system that automatically assigns tags for questions posted on a forum such as Stackoverflow or Quora
- Dataset: StackLite or 10% sample
Keyword/Concept Identification
- Identify keywords from millions of text questions
- Dataset: StackOverflow Questions Sample by Facebook
Topics Identification
- Multi-label classification of printed media articles to topics
- Dataset: Greek Media Monitoring Multilabel Classification
Automated Essay Grading
- The purpose of this project is to implement and train machine learning algorithms to automatically assess and grade essay responses.
- Dataset: Essays with human graded scores
Sentence to Sentence Semantic Similarity
- Can you identify question pairs that have the same intent? Or sentences that have the same meaning?
- Dataset: Quora Question Pairs with similar questions marked
Open Domain Question Answering
- Can you build a bot which answers questions according to the student's age or her curriculum?
- Facebook's FAIR built similar for Wikipedia
- Dataset: NCERT books for K-12/school students in India
Automatic Text Summarization
- Can you create a summary with the major points of the original document?
- Abstractive (write your own summary) and Extractive (select pieces of text from original) are two popular approaches
- Dataset: CNN and DailyMail News Pieces by Google Deepmind
Copy-cat Bot
- Generate plausible new text which looks like some other text
- Obama Speeches? For instance, you can create a bot which writes new speeches in Obama's style
- Trump Bot? Or a Twitter bot which mimics @realDonaldTrump
- Narendra Modi bot saying doston? Start by scrapping off his Hindi speeches from his personal website
- Example Dataset: English Transcript of Modi speeches
Check mlm/blog for hints
Sentiment Analysis
- Do Twitter Sentiment Analysis on tweets sorted by geography and timestamp
- Dataset: Tweets sentiment tagged by humans
- Can you classify the text of an e-mail message to decide who sent it?
- Dataset: 150,000 Enron emails
Univariate Time Series Forecasting
- How much will it rain this year?
- Dataset: 45 years of rainfall data
Multi-variate Time Series Forecasting
- How polluted will your town air be? Pollution Level Forecasting
- Dataset: Air Quality dataset
Demand/load forecasting
- Find a short term forecast on electricity consumption of a single home
- Dataset: Electricity Consumption of a household
Movie Recommender
- Can you predict the rating a user will give on a movie?
- Do this using the movies that user has rated in the past, as well as the ratings similar users have given similar movies.
- Dataset: Netflix Prize and MovieLens Datasets
Search + Recommendation System
- Predict which Xbox game a visitor will be most interested in based on their search query
- Dataset: BestBuy
Can you predict Influencers in the Social Network?
- How can you predict social influencers?
- Dataset: PeerIndex
Image Classification
- Object recognition or image classification task is how Deep Learning shot up to it's present-day resurgence
- Datasets:
- CIFAR-10
- ImageNet
- MS Coco is the modern replacement to the ImageNet challenge
- MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification Challenge is the classic entry point
- Character recognition (digits) is the good old Optical Character Recognition problem
- Bird Species Identification from an Image using the Caltech-UCSD Birds dataset dataset
- Diagnosing and Segmenting Brain Tumors and Phenotypes using MRI Scans
- Dataset: MICCAI Machine Learning Challenge aka MLC 2014
- Identify endangered right whales in aerial photographs
- Dataset: MOAA Right Whale
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Nirant Kasliwal compiled the ideas in this repository. Find him on Twitter or Linkedin