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nodejs >= 4.4.3

npm >= 3.6.0

  1. Install dependencies: npm install (or yarn install --ignore-engines)
  2. Generate config: gulp config (use --prod flag to auto choose defaults)
  3. Build front: gulp compile

Typical problems:

npm install failed due to node-sass exeption


on unix create symlink: ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

How to add custom directive

  1. Create new directory in frontend/src/component/global/{dir_name}
  2. If directive has own template, place it in directory: frontend/src/component/global/{dir_name}/templates/ (!important)
  3. Create class definition (See DatepickerDirective.js)
  4. Import created class in appAdmin.js or appCustomer.js or appSeller.js or in all.
  5. Register directive in app*.js file (e.g. .directive('datepicker', () => new DatepickerDirective()) - it's necessary to start directive name with lowercase)
  6. If directive wraps external library, install this lib via npm (or yarn) and place in index.html between <!-- build:js assets.js --> and <!-- endbuild -->

Debug mode To enable console warns, logs, infos set debug variable to true when gulp config command will ask about it. Debug mode also grants you access to #!/debug subpage witch provides some development tools.