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Piecewise Rigid Scene Model - Implementation IJCV'15


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#                                                                 #
#                 Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow                      #
#      Christoph Vogel, Konrad Schindler and Stefan Roth          #
#                          ICCV 2013                              #
#                          ECCV 2014							  #
#                          IJCV 2015							  #
#                                                                 #
#            Copyright 2013-2015 Christoph Vogel                  #
#                                                                 #

This software implements our approach to scene flow estimation [1,2,3].

The additional packages
 or alternatively
 - maxflow
are released under the GPL License and are not be included.
Please refer to to download that 
package and read the licensing information provided there.

This demo software has been rewritten for the sake of simplifying the
implementation. Therefore, the results produced by the code may differ
from those presented in the papers [1,2,3].
In fact the results should be a bit better on the KITTI dataset 

If you use this software you should cite the following in any resulting publication:
    [1] Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow
        C. Vogel, K. Schindler and S. Roth
        In ICCV, Sydney, Australia, December 2013
    [2] View-Consistent 3D Scene Flow Estimation over Multiple Frames, 
		C. Vogel, S. Roth, K. Schindler, 
		In: 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Zurich, Switzerland, 2014

    [3] 3D Scene Flow with a Piecewise Rigid World Model, 
	    C. Vogel, K. Schindler, S. Roth, 
    	In: International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Feb. 2015
For initialisation we use the method described in (with a lot less iterations):
    [4] An Evaluation of Data Costs for Optical Flow
        C. Vogel, S. Roth and K. Schindler
        In GCPR, Saarbruecken, Germany, September 2013


1.	Download and install maxflow v3.03 from 
	and place it into ./SceneFlowCode.
	Alternatively one can also
    download and the recent version of QPBO from
	and place it into ./cpp
	and adjust the definition file DataDefinitionVC.h in the folder
	QPBO is needed for the ICCV version of the code only.
	Please note that the code was tested with version v1.31 only.
2.  Start MATLAB and run compileMex.m to build the utilities binaries.
    (This step can be omitted if you are using Windows 64 bit or Unix 64 bit.)
3.	From folder solvePWRSMulti run run_pwrs_red( xx ) - example given as comment in the code.

4. To enable plotting go to
   download the export_fig package and place it in the lowest folder
   You can further download the sc-package from
   and place it in the same folder.
	1.0		April 19, 2014	Initial public release
	2.0		March 11, 2015	Including code from [2,3] into the release
Basic usage:

1. Make sure that you read in the correct calibration files and images.
   As an example some KITTI images are provided along with calibration.

2. There are the options to run the algorithm with 3 frames. So far it is assumed that
   the files are given as scenenumber_frame.png as in Kitti.  
   One can use three frames with the assumption of constant 3D velocity,
   p.use3Frames   = true; 
   and also to utilize the past solution as proposals, option:
   p.usePrevProps = true; 
   The procedure should fall back to the standard 2 frame procedure in 
   case there is no video data available.

3. So far the proposals are taken from semi-global matching and [4] for the flow part.
   One can use arbitrary procedures for that, e.g. sparse matches.   
   For that the function generateProposals has to be modified accordingly.
   Proposals can simply be concatenated to the proposal set: N_prop, RT_prop.
   So far it is assumed to have one proposal per segment.
   In the file pwrsfMulti_simpler_v3.m similar proposals are merged, such that some 
   abuse of this constraint is possible (eg. demonstrated already in generateProposals).
   The cpp-code however does not have such a (unnecessary) constraint but requires
   to have proposal-id and center per proposal as input - besides a list of moving planes
   (normal/rigid motion pair). 
   Thus new proposal algorithms could also only provide normal,rigid motion and a center and
   refrain form the one proposal per segment idiom.
4. Standard proposal generation is performed by fitting a motion per segment and to 
   compress the information to 1k proposals, this can be adjusted.
5. Depending on the data set the grid size (initial super-pixel) has to be set.
   Rule of thumb is to use ~1850 proposals per image, so for kitti we use
   p.gridSize= 16. 
   Other scenes might need a different parameter here, eg. 12 for 
   smaller images. This might render the refinement step pointless.
   In the file pwrsfMulti_simpler_v3.m the parameters
   refineLoop   = 1;% run refining based on loop default: ON  if 16x16 grid
   endlevel     = 8;% refinement in 2^-1 steps, so startlevel= 16, 8 , .., endlevel
   should be set accordingly.
   Standard is to subdivide the grid once and half the grid size and expansion area.
   Here endlevel = 8 ensures this in the standard setting, going from 16x16 to 8x8
   superpixels. This parameter might need to be changed at a different initial gridsize.
   Or turned off if the initial size is small, e.g. 10x10 super-pixels
6. The expansion area can be adjusted with the parameters   
   p.gx=8; % 8 kitti - can be adjusted to image size / relative size; % 5 kitti
   Here we expand around a proposal center 8 grid cells horizontally and 5
   cells vertically in each direction. This basically trades speed (small values)
   against accuracy (larger values) of the method. 
   In the standard procedure we guessed that proposals are not reasonable for 
   segments further away than 8 and 5 cells.

7. The behaviour of other parameters are analyzed in [3].  


Piecewise Rigid Scene Model - Implementation IJCV'15



LGPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found

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