Programmatically Building & Managing Training Data
- Snorkel website
- Snorkel tutorials
- Snorkel documentation
- Snorkel community forum
- Snorkel mailing list
- Snorkel Twitter
The quickest way to familiarize yourself with the Snorkel library is to walk through the Get Started page on the Snorkel website, followed by the full-length tutorials in the Snorkel tutorials repository. These tutorials demonstrate a variety of tasks, domains, labeling techniques, and integrations that can serve as templates as you apply Snorkel to your own applications.
To install Snorkel, we recommend using pip
pip3 install -U git+
Or to install from source:
git clone
cd snorkel
pip3 install -U .
We're updating our PyPi and Conda Forge packages, so those will be available soon.
We use GitHub Issues for posting bugs and feature requests — anything code-related. Just make sure you search for related issues first and use our Issues templates. We may ask for contributions if a prompt fix doesn't fit into the immediate roadmap of the core development team.
We welcome contributions from the Snorkel community! This is likely the fastest way to get a change you'd like to see into the library.
Small contributions can be made directly in a pull request (PR). If you would like to contribute a larger feature, we recommend first creating an issue with a proposed design for discussion.
To set up a development environment for contributing back to Snorkel, see our contributing guidelines. All PRs must pass the continuous integration tests and receive approval from a member of the Snorkel development team before they will be merged.
For broader Q&A, discussions about using Snorkel, tutorial requests, etc., use the Snorkel community forum hosted on Spectrum. We hope this will be a venue for you to interact with other Snorkel users — please don't be shy about posting!
To stay up-to-date on Snorkel-related announcements (e.g. version releases, upcoming workshops), subscribe to the Snorkel mailing list. We promise to respect your inboxes — communication will be sparse!
Follow us on Twitter @SnorkelML.