Web of Things online plugfest, to be held March 2021.
- 1-5 March 2021
- Overlapping with IETF Hackathon
- See email from T2TRG
- Meetings 10am/11am ET for IETF
- Daily Sync meeting:
- Monday 1 March - 8am ET
- Tuesday 2 March - 9am ET
- Wednesday 3 March - 9am ET
- Thursday 4 March - 10am ET
- Friday 5 March - 9am ET
- WebEx:
- IRC: wot-pf
- Slack: wotpf.slack.com
- Necessary for certain use cases, e.g. mDNS discovery
- Also handy to avoid having to set up global internet URLs
- IETF hackathon: cancelled!
- Is up: https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/tools/vpn
- Tools:
- Projects:
- Post details in an issue, like this one: #100
- Eventually make a PR to "projects" here: https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2021.03.Online/projects