Qt5 image viewer. Fast, configurable, easy to use. Optional video support.
Simple UI
Easy to use
Fully configurable, including shortcuts
Basic image editing: Crop, Rotate and Resize
Ability to quickly copy / move images to different folders
Experimental video playback via libmpv
Ability to run shell scripts
A nice dark theme, should look identical on every OS / DE
Action | Shortcut |
Next image | Right arrow / MouseWheel |
Previous image | Left arrow / MouseWheel |
Goto first image | Home |
Goto last image | End |
Zoom in | Ctrl+MouseWheel / Crtl+Up |
Zoom out | Ctrl+MouseWheel / Crtl+Down |
Fit mode: window | 1 |
Fit mode: width | 2 |
Fit mode: 1:1 (no scaling) | 3 |
Switch fit modes | Space |
Toggle fullscreen mode | DoubleClick / F / F11 |
Exit fullscreen mode | Esc |
Crop image | X |
Resize image | R |
Rotate left | Ctrl+L |
Rotate Right | Ctrl+R |
Quick copy | C |
Quick move | M |
Move to trash | Delete |
Delete file | Shift+Delete |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save As | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Open | Ctrl+O |
Settings | Ctrl+P |
Exit application | Esc / Ctrl+Q / Alt+X / MiddleClick |
Note: you can configure every shortcut listed above by going to Settings > Controls
The idea is to have a uncluttered, simple and easy to use UI. You can see ui elements only when you need them.
There is a pull-down panel with thumbnails, as well as folder view (accessible by pressing Return).
You can also bring up a context menu by right-clicking an image.
Bring up the panel with C or M shortcut. You will see 9 destination directories, click them to set them up.
With panel visible, use 1 - 9 keys to copy/move current image to corresponding directory.
When you are done press C or M again to hide the panel.
Starting with v0.7 you can run scripts on a current image.
Open Settings > Scripts. Press Add. Here you can choose between a shell command and a shell script.
Example of a command:
convert %file% %file%_.pdf
Example of a shell script file:
gimp "$1"
Note: The $1 argument will be a full file path. Also, the script file must be an executable.
When you've created your script go to Settings > Controls > Add, then select it and assign a shortcut like for any regular action.
If qimgv appears too small / too big on your display, you can override the scale factor. Example:
QT_SCALE_FACTOR="1.5" qimgv /path/to/image.png
You can put it in qimgv.desktop
file to make it permanent. Using values less than 1.0
may break some things.
qimgv should also obey the global scale factor set in kde's systemsettings.
APNG is supported via third-party qt plugin. (Included in windows qimgv package)
If you are linux user, install the latest QtApng by Skycoder42.
Viewing raw is supported via qtraw plugin. It is not included in windows release at the time.
NOTE: by default qimgv will be built without video support. See manual install for more info.
Arch: Available in AUR - qimgv-git
Gentoo: emerge qimgv
OpenSUSE: zypper install qimgv
Void linux: xbps-install -S qimgv
Manual install:
1. Install dependencies ( git, cmake, qt >= 5.6 )
Ubuntu & derivatives:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake qt5-default
sudo dnf install git cmake qt5 qt5-devel gcc-c++ qt5-devel
2. (Optional) Dependencies for video playback ( libmpv >= 0.22, mpv )
Ubuntu & derivatives:
sudo apt install libmpv-dev
Enable RPMFusion https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration.
sudo dnf install mpv mpv-libs-devel
2. Build
git clone https://github.com/easymodo/qimgv.git
cd qimgv && mkdir -p build && cd build
2a. Regular build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ -DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR=${DIR}/ .. && make -j4
2b. Build with video support (note: negatively affects startup speed)
2c. Build with better KDE support
3. Install
sudo make install
All windows builds are portable.