- ASP.NET Identity - Now you can plug your running Identity to use SSO. It need to made some changes at you IdentityUser with more data, like Name, Url, Bio.
- Changes in Events - Now all events are attached at his Aggregate Roots. Now events are very strong source of analisys.
- Event search at Admin Panel
- OAuth 2.0 Best practices
- Jwa with Elliptic Curves
- Jwk using ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 (ES256) by default
- Changed how clients are created by default. Using Authorization Code with PKCE or Client Credentials only.
- Key Material management - Key material now available at Database. Now it's possible to Scale Horizontal without any "Unprocted ticket failed" error
- Now AdminUI and SSO are completely separated projects
- Mature Open Source in prouction
- All componenents from SSO and Admin are available on Nuget
- Updated to ASP.NET Core 3
- Update all references to latest version
- Updated for IdentityServer4 dependencies for 2.5.
Added Translations (auto-generate)
- Spanish
- French
- Dutch
- Russian
- Chinese Simplified
- Chinese Traditional
Added integration with Azure DevOps for full CI/CD.
Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- angular-oauth2-oidc Session Improvements for Angular Apps. Incluind Admin UI
- Some Action attributes was HttpPost instead HttpPut (fixed)
- New unity tests
Bug fixes Added scrips for CI/CD. One pipeline for prs and another after pr was accepted
Added ENV for Default User and Pass, to autofill Login Page. Specially made for Dev and Docker environments Changed all Configurations to respect inheritance from IConfiguration When a registered user login through another external provider, eg google or facebook, then add new login instead try to register it again.
Now the components is available through Docker Hub.
- Generated docker install file to easy test
- Created a docker-compose based on images from Docker Hub
- Updated packages for security alerts:
- bootstrap: CVE-2019-8331 -> Updated for version 4.3.1
- In Bootstrap 4 before 4.3.1 and Bootstrap 3 before 3.4.1, XSS is possible in the tooltip or popover data-template attribute. For more information, see: https://blog.getbootstrap.com/2019/02/13/bootstrap-4-3-1-and-3-4-1/
- lodash: CVE-2018-16487
- A prototype pollution vulnerability was found in lodash <4.17.11 where the functions merge, mergeWith, and defaultsDeep can be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype.
- webpack-dev-server CVE-2018-14732
- An issue was discovered in lib/Server.js in webpack-dev-server before 3.1.11. Attackers are able to steal developer's code because the origin of requests is not checked by the WebSocket server, which is used for HMR (Hot Module Replacement). Anyone can receive the HMR message sent by the WebSocket server via a ws:// connection from any origin
- bootstrap: CVE-2019-8331 -> Updated for version 4.3.1
- docker environment config
- Some bug fix for users that doesn't have picture
- @angular/cli to 7.3.6
- @angular/core to 7.2.11 (ng update @angular/core, then updated other dep's by itself)|
- @angular/language-service @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/compiler-cli @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/animations @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/compiler @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/common @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/core @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/http @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/forms @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/platform-browser @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/router @ "7.2.11" (was "6.0.0")...
- zone.js @ "0.8.29" (was "0.8.26")...
- rxjs @ "6.4.0" (was "6.0.0")...
- typescript @ "3.2.4" (was "2.7.2")
- ngx-image-cropper @ 1.3.8 (was 1.0.2)
- Updated SSO with latest version of QuickStart UI
- Device flow
- [email protected]
- Now you can run through a docker! ❤️
- Unfortunately you need to change hosts for it. Because Authority URL. I can't do anything to face it. It's security feature from OAuth2 to keep same Authority name for each Token.
- ASP.NET Core 2.2
- Support for [email protected]
- Update of main DbContext, JpProject
- Removed previous components from MySql.IdentityServer and Sql.IdentityServer. Unifying them at same project.
Pagination for Users and Persisted Grants
Client Page:
- Changed Claims button to be under Token - Following Docs from IdentityServer4
- Included Device Flow options
- @angular/cli to 7.3.6
- @angular/core to 7.2.10 (ng update @angular/core, then updated other dep's by itself)|
- @angular/language-service @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/compiler-cli @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/animations @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/compiler @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/common @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/core @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/http @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/forms @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/platform-browser @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- @angular/router @ "7.2.10" (was "6.0.0")...
- zone.js @ "0.8.29" (was "0.8.26")...
- rxjs @ "6.4.0" (was "6.0.0")...
- typescript @ "3.2.4" (was "2.7.2")
Updated components from UI:
dependency | old version | new version |
@agm/core | 1.0.0-beta.2 | → 1.0.0-beta.5 |
@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap | ^3.2.2 | → ^4.1.0 |
@ngx-translate/core | 10.0.1 | → 11.0.1 |
@ngx-translate/http-loader | 3.0.1 | → 4.0.0 |
@swimlane/ngx-datatable | 12.0.0 | → 14.0.0 |
ag-grid | 17.1.1 | → 18.1.2 |
ag-grid-angular | 17.1.0 | → 20.2.0 |
angular-oauth2-oidc | ^4.0.2 | → ^5.0.2 |
angular-tree-component | 7.0.1 | → 8.3.0 |
bootstrap | 4.1.1 | → 4.3.1 |
chart.js | 2.7.2 | → 2.8.0 |
codemirror | 5.37.0 | → 5.45.0 |
enhanced-resolve | 3.3.0 | → 4.1.0 |
fullcalendar | 3.9.0 | → 3.10.0 |
lodash | 4.17.10 | → 4.17.11 |
modernizr | 3.6.0 | → 3.7.1 |
moment | 2.22.1 | → 2.24.0 |
ng2-charts | 1.6.0 | → 2.0.4 |
ng2-material-dropdown | 0.9.5 | → 0.10.1 |
ngx-chips | ^1.9.8 | → ^2.0.0-beta.0 |
ngx-color-picker | 6.0.0 | → 7.4.0 |
ngx-infinite-scroll | 0.8.4 | → 7.1.0 |
popper.js | 1.14.3 | → 1.14.7 |
screenfull | 3.3.2 | → 4.1.0 |
summernote | 0.8.10 | → 0.8.11 |
sweetalert | 1.1.3 | → 2.1.2 |
ts-helpers | 1.1.1 | removed |
web-animations-js | 2.2.1 | → 2.3.1 |
zone.js | 0.8.29 | → 0.9.0 |
@angular-devkit/build-angular | 0.6.1 | → 0.13.6 |
@types/lodash | 4.14.108 | → 4.14.123 |
codelyzer | 4.2.1 | → 5.0.0-beta.2 |
ts-node | 5.0.1 | → 8.0.3 |
tslint | 5.9.1 | → 5.14.0 |
- Minor bugs correction
- .dockerignore
- clone client
- Added bat to change hosts file
- Minor bugs correction
- Added localization feature to SSO
- Added translation feature to User Management
- Silent refresh for angular-oauth2-oidc both for User Management and Admin
- Changed Security Headers to accept Azure Application Insights
- First release