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This is a JavaScript-based SignalR Web Client.

It is a debugging tool to test ASP.Net Core SignalR hubs. This is a UI based SignalR client. Using this tool, we can send the data to the SignalR hub and receive a response from the SignalR Hub. This tool is designed for DotNet core developers to make their life easier when they will work with SignalR.

Table of Contents

Prior Knowledge:

Before using this tool, you should know about:


  • Node.Js
  • Npm
  • Git


SignalR Web Client is available here.

To set up in local environment:

  1. Clone repository.
    Open cmd and run the below command:

    git clone ""
  2. Once the cloning is completed, go to the "SignalR-Web-Client" folder.

    cd SignalR-Web-Client
  3. The tool needs to be run under some server. This is one of the requirements of the SignalR library. So, if you already have a running server, then copy the content of "SignalR-Web-Client\dist" folder and put it on your server.
    If you don't have a server or wants to run the tool in a different server, no worry.
    Will tell you two approaches to run this tool.

    1. Using http server(npm)
      Here, we will install http-server and then we will host SignalR Web Client(published files) using this server.

      npm install http-server -g

      Then go to "SignalR-Web-Client\dist" folder, and run the below command:


      It will start the http-server and host the application.

          Starting up http-server, serving ./
          Available on:

          Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
    2. Using Webpack Dev Server
      Here, we will not use the published files. Instead, we will build the tool and then run under the webpack dev server.
      NOTE:: If you want to customize the tool, then you can you this approach.

      npm install
      npm run dev
        First, it will install the npm packages, then start the webpack-dev-server and host the application.
        > [email protected] dev C:\demo\SignalR-Web-Client
        > webpack-dev-server --content-base dist --hot --mode development
        i 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:8080/
        i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
  4. This step is required if SignalR Web client and Hub server hosted separately.
    ex: Hub Server is running on http://localhost:5001 and
    SignalR Web client is running on : http://localhost:8080

    In such a case, we have to inform the Hub Server, that allows SignalR Web Client (http://localhost:8080) origin.

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddCors(options => options.AddPolicy("Cors", builder =>
            .WithOrigins("http://localhost:8080"); //SignalR Web Client Url

##refer this file ```

How it works?

SignalR Web Client has two views:

  1. Basic
    • Send data to Hub
    • Listen to the hub broadcast messages
  2. Advance
    • Send data to Hub
    • Listen to the hub broadcast messages
    • Support token-based authentication
    • Support multiple transport type (like WebSocket, Long Polling, Server Send Event)
    • Skip Negotiation, this feature only supported when the WebSockets transport is the only enabled transport. This setting can't be enabled when using the Azure SignalR Service.

Basic View

  1. Provide the valid hub url in Hub Address textbox.(for ex. https://localhost:5001/Test/OneHub).

  1. Click on the connect button, it will try to connect with the server. Once the connection is established, if any data is broadcast from the Hub(ex. SampleHub) to all the client then, it will be displayed in the response payload section.

  2. If we want to call any Hub method. For example SendMessage method

public class SampleHub : Hub
    public async Task SendMessage(string data)
        var connectionId = Context.ConnectionId;
        await Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("ReceiveData", $"Data Received from  SendMessage method: {data}");

In the tool, we have to pass the parameter.

Server Method:


Request Payload:

It can take multiple parameters. In our example, SendMessage method only takes one parameter of type string. 
ex. TestCall(string data)
    Argument textbox  :  Hello
    Data Type         :  Text

Data Type supports:

Currently, the tool supports these data types Text, Number & JSON.

Then click on the send button. It will send all the data to the hub.

Advance View

It has all the functionality which basic view provides, also it has additional features like:

  • Authentication Header -> We can you this when Hub is protected using token-based authentication.
  • Transport Type (To know more about SignalR Transport) -> WebSocket, Long Polling, Server Send Event

Reporting Issues

Nothing is perfect.

  • Found an issue?
  • Need feature/enhancement

Then, just open a new clear and descriptive issue.



  • Aspnet-Signalr 1.1.4
  • Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • Mitt
  • WebComponentsJs 2.2.10

Browser Support

Currently, it supports only the chrome browser.


MIT License

Copyright © 2020, Created by Gourav Dwivedi. Released under the terms of the MIT license.


No packages published


  • JavaScript 70.8%
  • CSS 28.3%
  • Other 0.9%