Starred repositories
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
Pagination library for Rails and other Ruby applications
ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
Blazing fast deployer and server automation tool
🎪 An open source forum/community system based on Rails, developed based on Ruby China.
(UNMAINTAINED) A real-time Redis monitoring tool
Bunny is a popular, easy to use, mature Ruby client for RabbitMQ
API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails
Make awesome command-line applications the easy way
Global settings for your Rails application.
Captcha Gem for Rails, which generates captcha image by Rust.
A base Sinatra application template with DataMapper, and RSpec. Just fork and build.
Mongoid support for CarrierWave
微信,weChat,微信公众平台,DSL实现,帮助你快速开发微信后台程序,weixin open platform backend implementation in a DSL way
A simple ruby client for node.js's socket.io. Supports only WebSocket.
Blog Eye, as you know, a platform for sharing your blogs.
This is a fork of the project at skynet.rubyforge.org that may get rolled in some day.