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$CTSMROOT/tools/mksurfdata_map/README    Jun 08, 2018

The routines in this directory create a surface dataset.
The output grid is read in from the input namelist and
can correspond to either a global or regional grid. 

Supported model resolutions are those found in the repository input data directory

Surface datasets can either be created for two separate cases
  a) for supported model resolutions
  b) for unsupported (user-specified) model resolutions

The following steps provide a method to create the executable
and generate the surface dataset:

1) Make the mksurfdata_map executable

   Starting from this directory $CTSMROOT/tools/mksurfdata_map
   > cd src
   > gmake
   By default code compiles optimized so it's reasonably fast. If you want
   to use the debugger, with bounds-checking, and float trapping on do the 
      gmake OPT=FALSE
   See Also: See the $CTSMROOT/tools/README file for notes about setting
   the path for NetCDF and running with shared-memory parallelism.

2) For supported model resolutions - skip this step

   For unsupported model resolutions - do the following...
   determine the pathname of the model resolution SCRIP grid file 
   Starting from this directory $CTSMROOT/tools/mksurfdata_map
   > cd ../mkmapdata
   invoke one of the following commands
   (for global resolution)
   > ./ -f <scrip grid file full pathname> -res <res> -type global    
   (for regional resolution)        
   > ./ -f <scrip grid file full pathname> -res <res> -type regional  
   > cd ../

   note: the mapping files generated in ./mkmapdata will be used to
   generate the surface dataset 
   note: the res argument above (<res>) MUST be identical to the one provided to (see below)	

3) make surface dataset(s)

   Starting from this directory $CTSMROOT/tools/mksurfdata_map
   > --help  (for full usage instructions)
   For supported model resolution (<res>)
   > -res <res> [options]	

   For unsupported, user specified model resolutions	
   > -res usrspec -usr_gname <res> -usr_gdate <user grid date>

   Note that the argument to usr_gname MUST be the same as the -res argument value
   when invoking mkmapdata

   Example, for gridname=1x1_boulderCO with maps created on Jan/13/2012

   > -res usrspec -usr_gname 1x_boulderCO -usr_gdate 20120113

Lists of input files for range of dates historical or future scenarios:

  landuse_timeseries_hist_16pfts_simyr1850-2015.txt --- List of historical input PFT files from 1850 to 2015

(Historical period from 1850-2015 datafiles all point to the historical files)