A web ui for Canvas
- Kubernetes 1.22+
- helm v3+
- download the charts
git clone https://github.com/tmforum-oda/oda-canvas
cd oda-canvas/canvas-portal/
- quick install
helm install canvas-portal ./charts -n canvas \
--set image.repository=docker.io/wctdevops/canvas-portal \
--set image.tag=20240228 \
--set service.type=NodePort
The command will install the canvas portal and give details for finding the IP address and port to access the portal. The full url will be http://<ip>:<port>/canvas-portal/login.html (username: admin, password: pAssw0rd)
- install with ingress
helm install canvas-portal ./charts -n canvas \
--set image.repository=docker.io/wctdevops/canvas-portal \
--set image.tag=20240228 \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.className=nginx
- install with more parameters
helm install canvas-portal ./charts -n canvas \
--set image.repository=xx \
--set image.tag=xx \
--set service.type=NodePort \
--set env.portalUsername=admin \
--set env.portalPassword=pAssw0rd \
--set env.helmRepoUrl=xx \
--set env.helmRepoUsername=xx \
--set env.helmRepoPassword=xxx \
--set clusterRole.create=false \
--set env.odaComponentNamespace='{xx,yy}'
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository | image repository | |
image.tag | image tag | |
ingress.enabled | use ingress or not | false |
clusterRole.create | create canvas portal cluster role | true |
service.type | service type | ClusterIP |
env.portalUsername | username of portal | admin |
env.portalPassword | password of portal | pAssw0rd |
env.helmRepoUrl | helm repo for ODA components | |
env.helmRepoUsername | helm repo username | |
env.helmRepoPassword | helm repo password | |
env.odaComponentNamespace | the namespace where oda component deployed | [] |
helm uninstall canvas-portal -n canvas