Run mvn clean install -Paurelius-release -Dgpg.skip=true -DskipTests=true
. This command can be run from either the root of
the Titan repository (the parent of the titan-dist directory) or the
titan-dist directory. Running from the root of the repository is
recommended. Running from titan-dist requries that Titan's jars be
available on either Sonatype, Maven Central, or your local Maven
repository (~/.m2/repository/) depending on whether you're building a
SNAPSHOT or a release tag.
This command writes two archives:
- titan-dist/titan-dist-hadoop-1/target/titan-$
- titan-dist/titan-dist-hadoop-2/target/titan-$
It's also possible to leave off the -DskipTests=true
. However, in
the absence of -DskipTests=true
, the -Paurelius-release argument
causes titan-dist to run several automated integration tests of the
zipfiles and the script files they contain. These tests require unzip
and expect, and they'll start and stop Cassandra, ES, and HBase in the
course of their execution.
To convert the AsciiDoc sources in $TITAN_REPO_ROOT/docs/ to chunked
and single-page HTML, run mvn package -pl titan-dist -am -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip=true
from the directory containing
titan-dist. If the Titan artifacts are already installed in the local
Maven repo from previous invocations of mvn install
in the root of
the clone, then cd titan-dist && mvn package
is also sufficient.
The documentation output appears in:
- titan-dist/target/docs/chunk/
- titan-dist/target/docs/single/
a platform that can run shell scripts (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows with Cygwin)
the Aurelius public package GPG signing key
Run mvn -N -Ppkg-tools install
in the titan-dist module. This writes
three folders to the root of the titan repository:
- debian
- pkgcommon
- redhat
The debian and redhat folders contain platform-specific packaging conttrol and payoad files. The pkgcommon folder contains shared payload and helper scripts.
To build the .deb and .rpm packages:
- (cd to the repository root)
To delete the packaging scripts from the root of the repository, run
mvn -N -Ppkg-tools clean
from the titan-dist module.
Previous versions of titan-dist needed a companion module called titan-site, which in turn required the gollum-site binary to be command on the local system. This is no longer required now that the docs have moved from the GitHub wiki to AsciiDoc files stored in the repo. The AsciiDoc files are converted to HTML using a DocBook-based toolchain completely managed by maven.