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How to migrate from Expo's LegacyNotifications to the new expo-notifications library

If you're still using the LegacyNotifications library, it's time for you to migrate over! The new library brings plenty of new features, bug fixes, and is much more reliable and intuitive. Plus, we're actively working on it 😁

If you're using Expo's push notification service, you don't need to change anything on the server-side for this migration.

Set up

Run expo install expo-notifications.

If you're using the bare workflow, you'll need to follow these additional instructions.

Replace any occurences of

import { Notifications } from 'expo'

in your JS code with

import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';

Edit app.json

If you're upgrading to SDK 40 or below, you need to set android.useNextNotificationsApi: true in your app.json file. See here for details.

Some values from your app.json notification key still apply, but some do not:

  • icon still applies, do not remove it ✅
  • color still applies, do not remove it ✅
  • iosDisplayInForeground does not apply, remove it 🚨
  • androidMode does not apply, remove it 🚨
  • androidCollapsedTitle does not apply, remove it 🚨
    • Both androidMode and androidCollapsedTitle will be replaced by setting a key in your notification payload, this feature is in progress.

Replace function calls

Listed below are each of the methods exposed via the LegacyNotifications module, and what you should replace them with.


addListener allows you to provide a callback to be run whenever a notification is received or selected in your app. expo-notifications actually exposes two different methods to replace this: addNotificationReceivedListener() and addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(). The NotificationReceivedListener is triggered when a notification is received while your app is foregrounded. The NotificationResponseReceivedListener is triggered when a user interacts with a notification that was delivered to their device (either by tapping on it, or through the actions exposed via notification categories).

Prefer to use hooks? expo-notifications has you covered- use the useLastNotificationResponseHook() instead of addNotificationResponseReceivedListener.

LegacyNotifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync() & LegacyNotifications.getDevicePushTokenAsync()

Both getExpoPushTokenAsync and getDevicePushTokenAsync have the exact same methods in the new expo-notifications API:

The only difference is that the new methods return an object of the format { type: string, data: string }, where data is the actual push token string. No other changes are necessary unless you eject to bare, in which case you should check the method parameters in the docs.

LegacyNotifications.presentLocalNotificationAsync() & LegacyNotifications.scheduleLocalNotificationAsync()

Both of these have been replaced by Notifications.scheduleNotificationAsync(). To get the same behavior as LegacyNotifications.presentLocalNotificationAsync (AKA- trigger a notification instantly), just pass null in as the NotificationTriggerInput.


There is an identical method in the new expo-notifications module- Notifications.dismissNotificationAsync()- no changes necessary.


There is an identical method in the new expo-notifications module- Notifications.dismissAllNotificationsAsync()- no changes necessary.


There is an identical method in the new expo-notifications module- Notifications.cancelScheduledNotificationAsync()- no changes necessary.


There is an identical method in the new expo-notifications module- Notifications.cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync()- no changes necessary.


Replace with Notifications.getBadgeCountAsync.


Replace with Notifications.setBadgeCountAsync.

Notification Categories

We’ve added much more comprehensive support for categories in the new expo-notifications module, with plenty more customization options, so the methods and the parameters they accept are a little different. You should read here for a complete guide.

Replace LegacyNotifications.createCategoryAsync with Notifications.setNotificationCategoryAsync, and LegacyNotifications.deleteCategoryAsync with Notifications.deleteNotificationCategoryAsync.

Android Notification Channels

We’ve added much more comprehensive support for Android’s notification channels in the new expo-notifications module, with plenty more customization options, so the methods and the parameters they accept are a little different. You should read here for a complete guide.

Replace LegacyNotifications.createChannelAndroidAsync with Notifications.setNotificationChannelAsync, and replace LegacyNotifications.deleteChannelAndroidAsync with Notifications.deleteNotificationChannelAndroidAsync.