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Nydus Setup for Containerd Environment

This document will walk through how to setup a nydus image service to work with containerd. It assumes that you already have containerd installed. If not, please refer to containerd documents on how to install and set it up.

Install all nydus binaries

Get nydus-image, nydusd, nydusify, and containerd-nydus-grpc binaries from release page.

sudo cp nydusd nydus-image /usr/local/bin
sudo cp nydusify containerd-nydus-grpc /usr/local/bin

Start containerd snapshotter for nydus

Nydus provides a containerd remote snapshotter containerd-nydus-grpc to prepare container rootfs with nydus formatted images. To start it, first save a nydusd config to /etc/nydusd-config.json:

$ cat > /etc/nydusd-config.json << EOL
  "device": {
    "backend": {
      "type": "registry",
      "config": {
        "scheme": "http",
        "timeout": 5,
        "connect_timeout": 5,
        "retry_limit": 0
    "cache": {
      "type": "blobcache",
      "config": {
        "work_dir": "cache"
  "mode": "direct",
  "digest_validate": false,
  "iostats_files": true,
  "enable_xattr": false,
  "fs_prefetch": {
    "enable": true,
    "threads_count": 10

Then start containerd-nydus-grpc remote snapshotter:

/usr/local/bin/containerd-nydus-grpc --nydusd-path /usr/local/bin/nydusd \
    --config-path /etc/nydusd-config.json \
    --log-level debug \
    --root /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.nydus \
    --cache-dir /var/lib/nydus/cache \
    --address /run/containerd/containerd-nydus-grpc.sock

cache-dir argument represent the blob cache root dir, if unset, it will be set root + "/cache". It overrides the work_dir option in nydusd-config.json.

Configure and Start containerd

Nydus uses two features of containerd:

  • remote snapshotter
  • snapshotter annotations

To set them up, add something like the following to your containerd config (default to /etc/containerd/config.toml):

    type = "snapshot"
    address = "/run/containerd/containerd-nydus-grpc.sock"
    snapshotter = "nydus"
    disable_snapshot_annotations = false

Then restart containerd, e.g.:

systemctl restart containerd

Start A Local Registry Container

docker run -d --restart=always -p 5000:5000 registry

Convert An Image To Nydus Format

nydusify convert --nydus-image /usr/local/bin/nydus-image --source ubuntu --target localhost:5000/ubuntu-nydus

Create New Pods With Nydus Format Image

For example, use the following cat pod-config.yaml and container-config.yaml

$ cat pod-config.yaml
  attempt: 1
  name: nydus-sandbox
  namespace: default
log_directory: /tmp
      network: 2
  "io.containerd.osfeature": "nydus.remoteimage.v1"
$cat container-config.yaml
  name: nydus-container
  image: localhost:5000/ubuntu-nydus:latest
- /bin/sleep
- 600
log_path: container.1.log

To create a new pod with the just converted nydus image:

$ crictl run container-config.yaml pod-config.yaml
$ crictl ps
CONTAINER           IMAGE                                 CREATED             STATE               NAME                ATTEMPT             POD ID
77f5a5c87d37d       localhost:5000/ubuntu-nydus:latest   8 seconds ago       Running             nydus-container     0                   0f3aefac561b3

Test Nydus with ctr-remote

You can also use ctr-remote to run container with converted nydus image, pull image:

$ ctr-remote image rpull --plain-http localhost:5000/ubuntu-nydus:latest
fetching sha256:1a406a70... application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json
fetching sha256:206058bb... application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json
fetching sha256:6eb834fa... application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip

Next run container:

$ ctr-remote run --rm -t --snapshotter=nydus localhost:5000/ubuntu-nydus:latest test /bin/bash
/# ps -ef 
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 13:45 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash
root          10       1  0 13:46 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef