A bundle to simplify development of your custom, user-friendly Symfony error pages.
By default, you would need to switch kernel.debug
to false
(most probably by using the app.php
front controller and/or using the prod
environment) in order to see the user-facing error pages. But this also requires you to clear the template cache every time you make a change to your error page template. Additionally, you won't get helpful error messages in case something goes wrong.
This bundle provides a simple way to view error pages for different HTTP status codes also in kernel.debug
mode, so you can easily design them. It also contains some building blocks to help you get the job done.
Follow the installation steps, view your error pages in action and then learn about the predefined Twig blocks for more user-friendly error pages.
Add the exceptions-bundle
dependency by running the command (see http://getcomposer.org/):
php composer.phar require webfactory/exceptions-bundle '@stable'
and run
php composer.phar install
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
// ...
$bundles[] = new Webfactory\Bundle\ExceptionsBundle\WebfactoryExceptionsBundle();
// ...
# app/config/routing_dev.yml
resource: "@WebfactoryExceptionsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Great - now let's have a look at your error pages.
Have you read the Symfony Cookbook section on
customizing the 404 page and other error pages?
Great! Then you know you should place your custom error page templates in app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/errorX.html.twig
and how Symfony determines which template to use.
Suppose you've just created an error404.html.twig
template. To view this error page, go to:
Of course, change http://localhost
to the local URL of your app. In
fact, you can see the error page for any HTTP status code in any format,
thanks to the URL that this bundle gives you:
WebfactoryExceptionsBundle also contains some Twig blocks we find useful to quickly create helpful, user friendly error pages.
Let's say your generic error page extends the base layout of MyWebsiteBundle. Then you may want to have your
to look something like this:
{# error.html.twig #}
{% extends 'MyWebsiteBundle:Layout:base.html.twig' %}
{% block myMainContentContainer %}
{{ block('webfactory_exceptions_standardExceptionPage') }}
{% endblock %}
The webfactory_exceptions_standardExceptionPage
block has headings, the translated exception description and provides
the user with a list of alternatives what they can do next: get back (simulating a browser back), get to the homepage,
get to the contact page or google the domain. It may look like this:
A default block in the bundle provides a link to the homepage with the default target /
. If your application does not
start at /
, you need to set the variable homepageUrl
Also, you may want to set the variable contactUrl
to get a link to your contact page in the listed alternatives.
{# error.html.twig #}
{% extends 'MyWebsiteBundle:Layout:base.html.twig' %}
{% set homepageUrl = "http://www.webfactory.de" %}
{% set contactUrl = path('name_of_a_route') %}
{# your blocks and definitions... #}
If your base layout already features blocks you need to fill with exception specific content, you can do it this way:
{# error.html.twig #}
{% extends 'MyWebsiteBundle:Layout:base.html.twig' %}
{% use "WebfactoryExceptionsBundle:Exception:blocks.html.twig" with
webfactory_exceptions_error_title as title,
webfactory_exceptions_error_headline as stage_headline
This loads the webfactory_exceptions_error_title
block directly into the title
block of your base layout, as well
as the webfactory_exceptions_error_headline
block into the stage_headline
Happy error-styling!
This bundle was started at webfactory GmbH, Bonn. It was inspired by the blog post How Symfony2 turns exceptions into error pages and how to customize those.
Copyright 2012-2014 webfactory GmbH, Bonn. Code released under the MIT license.