git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Command-T Linux
sudo apt-get install vim-nox;
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
sudo ruby ./extconf.rb
sudo make
Command-T OSX Mavericks
(with homebrew vim supporting the mac clip board and ruby2.0)
brew install vim
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
sudo ruby ./extconf.rb
sudo make
(or to use the pre-installed vim)
sudo mv /usr/bin/ruby /usr/ruby/ruby2.0
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
sudo ruby ./extconf.rb
sudo make
sudo rm ruby
sudo mv /usr/ruby/ruby2.0 /usr/bin/ruby
git config --global mergetool.fugitive.cmd 'vim -f -c "Gvdiff" "$MERGED"'
git config --global merge.tool fugitive
git config --global mergetool.prompt false
normal mode
<lead>t open command-t
t open selection as new tab
v open selection as new vertical split buffer
rm delete file and purge buffer toggle vim explorer t open selection as new tab v open selection as new vertical split buffer :Error trigger syntax check {number} switch to the tab with the given number e.g. ,2
o enter insert mode with new line below
O enter insert mode with new line above
i enter insert mode at the cursor position
a enter insert mode after the cursor position
A enter insert mode at the end of the line
cw delete the current word and enter insert mode
dw delete the current word
x delete the current character
dd delete the current line
u revert the last change
<C-r> restore the last undo
p paste the default register
yy yank the current line
/{search} search
?{search} search backwards
n next result
N previous result
<C-w><right> switch to the right split buffer
<C-w><left> switch to the left split buffer
:tabe create a new tab
v enter visual mode
V enter visual mode with line selection
<C-v> enter visual mode with block selection (vertical selection)
gf go to file if the cursor is on a file path
<C-o> go to the previous buffer (e.g. if used gf)
* go to the next word where the cursor is at the moment
{ move one block/function up
} move one block/function down
<C-u> move half page up
<C-d> move half page down
f{char} move to the character in the current line
; move to last f{char} pattern
, move to previous f{char} match
l move right arrow
h move left arrow
j move down arrow
k move up arrow
w move word wise
W move WORD wise
b move back word wise
B move back WORD wise
:grep use grep to find files in project
:cn next grep result
:cp previous grep result
"{char} use a certain register for a task
"+ use the clipboard, good when mouse is on and prevents copy to clipboard
q{char} start stop a macro to register {char}
@{char} execute the macro from register {char}
@@ execute the last macro again
insert mode
<Tab> start autocomplete if the cursor is at the end of a word
<ESC> enter normal mode
visual mode
y yank the current selection to the default register
i[ select inside brackets (cursor has to be inside as well)
i] select inside brackets (cursor has to be inside as well)
i{ select inside brackets (cursor has to be inside as well)
i' select inside brackets (cursor has to be inside as well)
a[ select around (including)brackets (cursor has to be inside as well)
a] select around (including) (cursor has to be inside as well)
fugitive vimdiff 3 way merge (git mergetool)
[c jump to previous change/conflict
]c jump to the next change/conflict
:diffget //2 diffget will change from target branch
:diffget //3 diffget change from merge branch
:dp diffput the change from the current buffer to the middle buffer
:Gwrite! adds the current buffer to the index and close merge, so choose to keep one merge or target to keep it
:Gwq like above and quit the file
:diffupdate update the coloring after diffput