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This subtree contains interconnect module && test && benchmark that different with other subtree inside {cbdb_src}/contrib. Other moudles are not part of the core CloudBerry system, but interconnect module split from cdb module, it must be preload with CloudBerry, otherwise CloudBerry system will not work properly.

The interconnect module will be preloaded by default as a library. When the compile option --disable-preload-ic-module is turned on, then the interconnect module will not be preloaded, then users need to add interconnect into guc shared_preload_libraries.

Benefits of Separating Interconnect Separately

  • Independent & decoupling, easier to add new interconnect types
  • It is more convenient to test & debug & benchmark.

Intercontect interfaces and data structure

The main interface name is MotionIPCLayer defined in ml_ipc.h, there are already three implementations:

  • tcp
  • udpifc
  • proxy

The specific method can refer to the notes. Here is a diagram to describe the specific timing of the interface function being called.

	                                      ┌─────────────┐         ┌─────────────────────┐                 ┌──────────────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐                               
	                                      │  cdb init   │────────▶│ InitMotionLayerIPC  │                 │  InitMotionLayerIPC  │◀─────│  cdb init   │                               
	                                      └─────────────┘         └─────────────────────┘                 └──────────────────────┘      └─────────────┘                               
	                                                                         │                                        │                                                               
	                                                                         │              ┌──────────┐              │                                                               
	                                                                         │              │ registe  │              │                                                               
	                                                                         │              │request(if│              │                                                               
	                                                                         ▼              │  have)   │              ▼                                                               
	                                      ┌─────────────┐         ┌────────────────────┐    │          │  ┌───────────────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐                               
	                                      │ motion exec │────────▶│ SetupInterconnect  │◀───┴──────────┴──│   SetupInterconnect   │◀────│ motion exec │                               
	                                      └─────────────┘         └────────────────────┘                  └───────────────────────┘     └─────────────┘                               
	                                                                         │                                        │                                                               
	                                                                         │                                        │                                                               
	                                                                         ▼                                        ▼                                                               
	                                                              ┌────────────────────┐                  ┌──────────────────────┐                                                    
	                                                              │SendTupleChunkToAMS │                  │RecvTupleChunkFromAny/│                                                    
	                                                              └────────────────────┘                  │  RecvTupleChunkFrom  │                                                    
	   ┌───────────────────────────┐                                         │         ┌─────────────────┐└──────────────────────┘                                                    
	   │ GetTransportDirectBuffer  │───┐            ┌───────────────┐        │         │ TupleChunkList  │            │       ┌───────────────┐                                       
	   └───────────────────────────┘   │            │ internal call │──────▶ │         └─────────────────┘            │◀──────│ internal call │                                       
	                 ▲                 │            └───────────────┘        ▼                  │                     ▼       └───────────────┘                                       
	                 │                 │                          ┌────────────────────┐        ▼         ┌──────────────────────┐      ┌──────────────────┐     ┌───────────────────┐
	                 │                 │            ┌─────────────│     SendChunk      │─────────────────▶│    RecvTupleChunk    │─────▶│ udp recv buffer  │────▶│ DirectPutRxBuffer │
	      ┌────────────────────┐       │            ▼             └────────────────────┘                  └──────────────────────┘      └──────────────────┘     └───────────────────┘
	      │   direct access    │       │    ┌──────────────┐                 │             ┌────────────┐             │                                                               
	      │   reduce memcpy    │       ├───▶│ buffer Pool  │                 │             │  stop or   │             │                                                               
	      └────────────────────┘       │    └──────────────┘                 ◀─────────────│ interrupt  │─────────────▶                                                               
	                 │                 │            ▲                        │             └────────────┘             │                                                               
	                 │                 │            │                        │                    │                   │                                                               
	                 ▼                 │            │             ┌────────────────────┐          │                   ▼                           ┌──────────────────┐                
	   ┌───────────────────────────┐   │            └──────▲──────│      SendEOS       │          │       ┌──────────────────────┐                │motion exec finish│                
	   │ PutTransportDirectBuffer  │───┘        ┌──────────┘      └────────────────────┘          │       │ TeardownInterconnect │◀───────────────│   or interrupt   │                
	   └───────────────────────────┘            │                            ▲                    │       └──────────────────────┘                └──────────────────┘                
	                                      ┌──────────┐                       │                    │                   │                                                               
	                                      │  flush   │                       │                    │                   │                                                               
	                                      └──────────┘                       │                    │                   ▼                                                               
	                                                              ┌────────────────────┐          │       ┌──────────────────────┐                ┌─────────────┐                     
	                                                              │  SendStopMessage   │          │       │CleanUpMotionLayerIPC │◀───────────────│ cdb cleanup │                     
	                                                              └────────────────────┘          │       └──────────────────────┘                └─────────────┘                     
	                          ┌──────────────────┐                                                │                                                                                   
	                          │motion exec finish│                ┌────────────────────┐          │                                                                                   
	                          │   or interrupt   │───────────────▶│TeardownInterconnect│◀─────────┘                                                                                   
	                          └──────────────────┘                └────────────────────┘                                                                                              
	                            ┌─────────────┐                   ┌─────────────────────┐                                                                                             
	                            │ cdb cleanup │──────────────────▶│CleanUpMotionLayerIPC│                                                                                             
	                            └─────────────┘                   └─────────────────────┘                                       


  • The ones starting with capital letters in the figure are methods in the interface.
  • Notes starting with lowercase letters in the figure.

Interconnect contains three main data structures

  • ChunkTransportState: Generated by EState, one-to-one correspondence with EState object.
    • Records most of the global information, such as remote connection information.
    • Contains a set of ChunkTransportStateEntry.
  • ChunkTransportStateEntry: Generated by SliceTable, one-to-one correspondence with motionId.
    • Different interconnect implementations have different ** ChunkTransportStateEntry** objects, Obtain subclass objects through CONTAINER_OF.
    • In this structure, multiple links for managing a single motion node(Use motionId to identify). It is distinguished from incoming/outgoing
    • Contains a set of MotionConn
  • MotionConn
    • Different interconnect implementations have different ** MotionConn** objects, Obtain subclass objects through CONTAINER_OF.
    • In this structure, a specific point-to-point connection is established.

How to implements a interconnect type

Here I assume an optimization scenario: in intercontect layer, support domain socket , used domain socket on local machine, and use udp implements when across machines

Here are two pieces of pseudo-code to achieve this function

Solution1: call interfaces of udpifc in the domain socket interface which we will defined.

MotionIPCLayer domain_udp_ipc_layer = {
  .ic_type = INTERCONNECT_TYPE_DOMAIN_UDP, // new ic type
  .GetMaxTupleChunkSize = GetMaxTupleChunkSizeUDP, // udp header bigger than tcp, so use udp max size
  .GetListenPort = GetListenPortDomainUDP,  // need return a combined port. return type is `int32`, can hold both.

   * InitMotionIPCLayerDomainUDP() {
   *   // init domain socket ipc layer
   *   InitMotionIPCLayerUDP(); // also init udp ipc layer
   * }
  .InitMotionLayerIPC = InitMotionIPCLayerDomainUDP, 

   * SetupInterconnectDomainUDP() {
   *   SetupInterconnectUDP(); // setup udp ipc layer before setup domain socket ipc layer
   *   // after SetupInterconnectUDP, `ChunkTransportState` have been inited
   *   // and some of `MotionConnUDP` have been init 
   *   SetupInterconnectDomainSocket(ChunkTransportState obj);
   *   // in SetupInterconnectDomainSocket should create some of object `MotionConnDomianUDP`
   *   // which contains `MotionConnUDP` and replace it in `ChunkTransportStateEntry->conns`
   *   // after this call, we can make sure that each `MotionConnDomianUDP` will use domain socket or udp?
   * }
  .SetupInterconnect = SetupInterconnectDomainUDP,

   * SendChunkDomainUDP() {
   *   // `MotionConnDomianUDP` use domain socket or udp send tuple
   * }
  .SendTupleChunkToAMS = SendChunkDomainUDP,
   * RecvTupleChunkDomainUDP() {
   *   // `MotionConnDomianUDP` use domain socket or udp recv tuple
   * }
  .RecvTupleChunk = RecvTupleChunkDomainUDP,

  ... other interfaces

Solution 2: Coupling the logic in udpifc, just like the current proxy implementation.

// still used udp interface 
// and add some struct inside `MotionConnUDP` + `ChunkTransportStateEntryUDP`
MotionIPCLayer udpifc_ipc_layer = {
    .GetMaxTupleChunkSize = GetMaxTupleChunkSizeUDP,
    .GetListenPort = GetListenPortUDP,
    .InitMotionLayerIPC = InitMotionIPCLayerUDP,
    .SetupInterconnect = SetupInterconnectUDP,
    .SendChunk = SendChunkUDPIFC,
    .RecvTupleChunk = RecvTupleChunkUDPIFC,

// do some hook like ic_proxy implements
InitMotionIPCLayerUDP/SetupInterconnect() {

// origin logic 
// init/setup domain socket


SendChunk/RecvTupleChunk() {
// inited MotionConnUDP will make sure used domain socket or udp
   if (conn->ShouldUseDomainSocket()) {
      // send with domain socket 

 // origin udp logic 