- As you start working on a new operation, move it from the lower table to the top table,
- write your name under 'person working on it,'
- once you have pushed the functionality in the master branch, mark it as complete.
Update as you push code to the master branch.
ONNX Operation | Person working on it | ONNX Def | Shape Inference | ONNX to KRNL | Optimized | Extended Functionality |
Abs | v | v | v | |||
Add | v | v | v | M | ||
And | v | v | v | M | ||
AveragePool | v | v | v | P | ||
BatchNorm | v | v | v | |||
Constant | v | v | v | |||
Conv | v | v | v | nP | ||
Concat | v | v | v | V | ||
Cos | v | v | v | |||
Cosh | v | v | v | |||
Div | v | v | v | M | ||
Dropout | v | v | ||||
Elu | v | v | v | |||
Erf | v | v | ||||
Exp | v | v | v | |||
Expand | v | v | ||||
Gemm | v | v | v | U | ||
HardSigmoid | v | v | v | |||
Identity | v | v | v | |||
LeakyRelu | v | v | v | |||
Log | v | v | v | |||
MatMul | v | v | v | M | ||
Max | v | v | v | M V | ||
MaxPool | v | v | v | P | ||
Min | v | v | v | M V | ||
Mul | v | v | v | M | ||
Or | v | v | v | M | ||
Pad | v | V | v | const only | ||
Pow | v | v | M | |||
Reciprocal | v | v | v | |||
ReduceMax | v | v | v | |||
ReduceL1 | v | be decomposed into ReduceSum and Abs | ||||
ReduceL2 | v | be decomposed into ReduceSumSquare and Sqrt | ||||
ReduceLogSum | v | be decomposed into ReduceSum and Log | ||||
ReduceLogSumExp | v | be decomposed into ReduceLogSum and Exp | ||||
ReduceMean | v | v | ||||
ReduceMin | v | v | v | |||
ReduceProd | v | v | v | |||
ReduceSum | v | v | v | |||
ReduceSumSquare | v | be decomposed into ReduceSum and Mul | ||||
Relu | v | v | v | |||
Reshape | v | v | v | const only | ||
Selu | v | v | v | |||
Sigmoid | v | v | v | |||
Sign | v | v | v | |||
Sinh | v | v | v | |||
Softmax | v | v | v | |||
Softplus | v | v | v | |||
Softsign | v | v | v | |||
Sqrt | v | v | v | |||
Sub | v | v | v | M | ||
Sum | v | v | v | M V | ||
Tanh | v | v | v | |||
Transpose | v | v | v | |||
Unsqueeze | v | v | v | |||
Xor | v | v | v | M |
- M / noM: multi-broadcast imlemented / not implemented
- U / noU: unidir-broadcast implemented / not implemented
- P / noP: padding implemented / not implemented
- V / noV: variadic input implemented / non implemented
Please pick new operations to work on, and make sure you utilize current code to minimize additional work needed to support new functionality.
Typical sequence of work.
- Ensure the operation is properly parsed from ONNX and MLIR input.
- Perform shape inference.
- Lower to KRNL dialect.
And add literal tests at each step, and end to end tests once completed.
ONNX Operation | Person working on it | ONNX Def | Shape Inference | ONNX to KRNL | Basic Functionality | Extended functionality |
ACos | ||||||
ACosh | ||||||
ArgMax | ||||||
ArgMin | ||||||
ASin | ||||||
ASinh | ||||||
ATan | ||||||
ATanh | ||||||
BitShift | M | |||||
Ceil | ||||||
Celu | ||||||
Clip | ||||||
Compress | ||||||
ConcatFromSeq | ||||||
ConstOfShape | ||||||
ConvInt | P | |||||
ConvTrans | P | |||||
CumSum | ||||||
DepthToSpace | ||||||
DequantizeLin | ||||||
Det | ||||||
DynQuantizeLin | ||||||
Einsum | V | |||||
Equal | M | |||||
EyeLike | ||||||
Flatten | ||||||
Floor | ||||||
GRU | ||||||
GatherElements | ||||||
GatherND | ||||||
GlobalAvgPool | ||||||
GlobalLpPool | ||||||
GlobalMaxPool | ||||||
Greater | M | |||||
GreaterOrEq | M | |||||
HardMax | ||||||
If | V | |||||
InstanceNorm | ||||||
Inverse | ||||||
IsInf | ||||||
IsNaN | ||||||
Less | M | |||||
LessOrEq | M | |||||
LSTM | ||||||
LSTM | ||||||
LSTM | ||||||
LogSoftmax | ||||||
Loop | V | |||||
LpNorm | ||||||
LpPool | ||||||
MatMulInteger | U | |||||
MaxRoiPool | ||||||
MaxUnpool | ||||||
Mean | M V | |||||
MeanSquareDist | M | |||||
MeanVarNorm | ||||||
Mod | M | |||||
Multinomial | ||||||
Neg | ||||||
NegLogLikeLoss | ||||||
NonMaxSupress | ||||||
NonZero | ||||||
Not | ||||||
OneHot | ||||||
PRelu | U | |||||
QLinearConv | P | |||||
QLinearMatMul | M | |||||
QuantizeLinear | ||||||
RNN | ||||||
RandomNormal | ||||||
RandNormalLike | ||||||
RandUniform | ||||||
RandUniformLike | ||||||
Range | ||||||
Resize | ||||||
ReverseSequence | ||||||
RoiAlign | ||||||
Round | ||||||
Scan | V | |||||
Scatter | deprecated for Scatter Element | |||||
ScatterElem | ||||||
ScatterND | ||||||
SequenceAt | ||||||
SeqConstruct | V | |||||
SequenceErase | ||||||
SequenceInsert | ||||||
SequenceLength | ||||||
Shape | ||||||
Shrink | ||||||
Slice | ||||||
SoftMaxCross | ||||||
SpaceToDepth | ||||||
Split | V | |||||
SplitToSequence | ||||||
Squeeze | ||||||
StringNorm | ||||||
Tan | ||||||
TfldfVect | ||||||
ThresholdRelu | ||||||
Tile | ||||||
TopK | ||||||
UnfoldToDepth | ||||||
Unique | ||||||
Upsample | deprecated | |||||
Where | M |