All Algorithms implemented in Python
为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, m…
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Games: Create interesting games in pure python.
Tutorial material on the scientific Python ecosystem
Open source process design kit for usage with SkyWater Technology Foundry's 130nm node.
Online resources for Python Crash Course, 3rd edition, from No Starch Press.
A flexible framework powered by ComfyUI for generating personalized Nobel Prize images.
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
iic-jku / IIC-OSIC-TOOLS
Forked from efabless/foss-asic-toolsIIC-OSIC-TOOLS is an all-in-one Docker image for SKY130/GF180/IHP130-based analog and digital chip design. AMD64 and ARM64 are natively supported.
PDK installer for open-source EDA tools and toolchains. Distributed with setups for the SkyWater 130nm and Global Foundries 180nm open processes.
Fully Open Source FASOC generators built on top of open-source EDA tools
A seamless python to Cadence Virtuoso Skill interface
The codes are used to generate the VerilogA code which can be directly used in the spectre simulation .The generated VerilogA code's fuction is to generate the specific waveforms according to your …
A simple deep learning framework based on torch. Simplify feature extraction and model training on large-scale sparse data.
Course project of Introduction to Design Automation
Learning book "Doing Math with Python" by practicing
Digitally Programmable Gain Amplifier Design.