The Adversary plugin adds the full traditional CALDERA mode, that allows for running operations against Windows domains. This mode includes a GUI component, a RAT/agent combo which should be deployed on remote Windows machines, and a variety of REST API endpoints used by the GUI and agents.
To use this plugin, you must have a Mongo database installed and running locally. Detailed MongoDB Server installation instructions can be found here:
This plugin also requires that you load the "gui" plugin with it (this can be configured in the caldera config file:
port: 8888
terminal_port: 8880
debug_level: DEBUG
- gui
- adversary
Operations run through the Adversary Plugin generate logs in the BRAWL Shared Format (BSF). More information about this format can be found here. Please note that CALDERA's BSF download produces an ordered collection of BSF objects (other header information, such as 'game_id' and 'bsf_version', is handled elsewhere). Excerpts from an example CALDERA generated BSF log are documented here as an example of how to read and reference the format.
"id": "b083958c-e052-4c04-b466-1cab8a4d819e", # Entry ID
"nodetype": "event", # Entry Type (BSF event)
"host": "dc.caldera.local", # The host involved
"object": "process", # What was involved
"action": "create", # What happened
"happened_after": "2019-03-04T21:12:24.575720+00:00", # When did the event occur (start)
"fqdn": "dc.caldera.local", # FQDN of the host
"ppid": 2968, # PPID involved
"pid": 2596, # PID involved
"command_line": "powershell -command -", # commandline captured
"happened_before": "2019-03-04T21:12:29.480753+00:00" # When did the event occur (end)
}, #
{ #
"id": "ee802ac0-e757-4a81-80ea-ea294eb47f6b", # Entry ID
"nodetype": "step", # Entry Type ('step' is a CALDERA step)
"attack_info": [ # Step ATT&CK taxonomy information
{ #
"technique_id": "T1018", # Associated technqiue ID
"technique_name": "Remote System Discovery", # Associated technique Name
"tactic": [ # Associated tactics
"Discovery" #
] #
}, #
{ #
"technique_id": "T1086", #
"technique_name": "PowerShell", #
"tactic": [ #
"Execution" #
] #
}, #
{ #
"technique_id": "T1064", #
"technique_name": "Scripting", #
"tactic": [ #
"Defense Evasion", #
"Execution" #
] #
}, #
{ #
"technique_id": "T1106", #
"technique_name": "Execution through API", #
"tactic": [ #
"Execution" #
] #
} #
], #
"events": [ #
"b083958c-e052-4c04-b466-1cab8a4d819e" # Associated step event
"key_technique": "T1018", # Primary technique involved
"key_event": "b083958c-e052-4c04-b466-1cab8a4d819e", # Primary event associated
"host": "dc.caldera.local", # Host involved
"time": "2019-03-04T21:12:27.028237+00:00", # Time step occured
"description": "Enumerating all computers in the domain"# Step description
}, #
... #
{ #
"id": "8bedb0b2-b566-4a5b-9b0a-f24c81a262cd", # Entry ID
"steps": [ # Entry Associated Steps
"ee802ac0-e757-4a81-80ea-ea294eb47f6b", #
"3c9395ae-71f5-4109-94cb-1cc3ca0b6cdb", #
"1a5584c3-4081-4922-b957-e2e1b32b1180", #
"b3223370-30d7-4484-a18e-d6668bf8d11e", #
"9934276d-968c-4584-9e37-c1d81e7c0753", #
"db1e2188-5c9b-4ca1-aef5-c9e0d2ce415b", #
"f5598a0d-6c0e-4766-9a8f-c25f69e2270b", #
"0aa4f283-aa07-4024-9544-e64644e5bcc6", #
"bbe654be-edc8-4823-83e6-908380abb1e5", #
"d218c2aa-50ef-483c-b63a-33e1fcbee459", #
"330526e2-7a15-42b8-9f9c-9bc1ab30a1ad", #
"1d11a093-c4eb-4388-865a-b1c4c83e5152", #
"a196bad2-8310-4bc7-b5a6-e85b6a60e110", #
"2390973a-0afe-4206-8179-6bed0e8d6651" #
], #
"nodetype": "operation" # Entry Type (CALDERA Operation)