- Compute the density of solids made of heterogeneous materials
- Compute the buoyancy of heterogeneous solids fully immersed in seawater
The library uses the International System of Units.
The buoyancy and mass are expressed in kg
, the density in kg•m^-3
, the volume in m^-3
and temperature in °C
The buoyancy in seawater is computed based on the seawater density model described in: Sharqawy, Mostafa H., John H. Lienhard V and Syed M. Zubair. "The thermophysical properties of seawater: A review of existing correlations and data." Desalination and Water Treatment, 16 (April 2010) 354–380.
The paper is available on MIT Open Access and usable according to Creative Commons by-nc-sa license. The Equation implemented is the Eq. (8) (referenced in the paper) without modification.
The model is valid for a temperature range 0 < t < 180 °C
and salinity range 0 < s < 0.16 kg/kg
with a ±0.1%
Once the library is accessible in your classpath, you shall use the SolidFactory
factory to build solids as required.
The example below shows the creation of a solid composed of 1 m^3
with density 1000 kg•m^-3
and 0.1 m^3
with density 1500 kg•m^-3
Solid<BigDecimal> solid = new SolidBuilder()
.add(big("1"), big("1000"))
.add(big("0.1"), big("1500"))
The mass and volume of this solid can be computed like the following:
In order to compute the buoyancy of the solid fully immersed in seawater at 20.5°C
with salinity 0.08 kg/kg
, the liquid model must be built as below:
Liquid<BigDecimal> seaWater = SaltedLiquidFactory.build(big("0.08"));
Then compute the buoyancy as below:
The library uses java.math.BigDecimal
for its implementation, you may static import the method org.wildbits.hydro.utils.Utils#big
as a syntactic sugar making building BigDecimal
instances easy.