Idea: use a second thread to detect input. That way, were don’t have to worry about hacking nurses to be non blocking.
- shape rotation:
- state.shape becomes a load of vectors
- we add an extra struct: Shape { relative_vecs: origin: }
- we add a matrix geometry struct & implement multiplications
- add rotation to the matrix’s functions.
- profit
- separate thread for input
- play l_paddle automatically
- ? random blocks you can shoot or something ?
- menu
- refactor - proper I/O
- make proper binary
- Add persistance for high scores
- fix travis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Add sdl or something.. make this properly graphical.
- improve key-press cycle (include toggle)
- benchmark different intersection algorithms to find the most efficient
- ? Rename line to line segment & generally rename words about lines / segments / chords / rays / points / slopes etc…
- how generic do we want to make this?
input: paused_toggle: bool state: paused: bool
only update config when input is released -> input paused == true && keyboard event: paused == false