This example demonstrates a template used for scaffolding a new module project. It has support for Git, PSake build script, Pester tests.
To run this example, cd to the NewModuleTemplate folder and execute:
Import-Module ..\..\src\Plaster.psd1
Invoke-Plaster -TemplatePath . -Destination ..\Out
This will prompt you for the template's required parameters as defined in plasterManifest.xml. If you
run the Invoke-Plaster command a second time, you see Plaster's file conflict handling. You can use
the -Force
parameter to automatically overwrite existing files.
You can bypass the interactive prompting by providing the necessary parameters directly to Invoke-Plaster as demonstrated below. Note: you will get autocompletion support for template parameters as they are added as dynamic parameters to Invoke-Plaster.
$PlasterParams = @{
TemplatePath = $PWD
Destination = '..\Out'
ModuleName = 'FooUtils'
ModuleDesc = 'Commands for Foo'
FullName = 'John Q. Doe'
Email = '[email protected]'
Version = '1.2.0'
Options = 'Git','PSake','Pester'
Editor = 'VSCode'
License = 'MIT'
Invoke-Plaster @PlasterParams -Force