- Seattle, WA
- htp://www.will-jennings.com
C#/DirectX based graphics coding framework based on SharpDX
A half-semester class at ITP.
A half-semester class at ITP.
Time Travellers is a real-time video mirror currently installed at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. The Microsoft Kinect is used to take a "depth image" of the viewer and map it to tim…
Final project for 3D Sensing and Visualization - Spring 2011 - NYU/ITP
A TUIO server for the Kinect using PrimeSense NITE middleware.
Nature of Code // Work for a class at ITP taught by Dan Shiffman
A collection of sample projects and code snippets using OpenNI and the Kinect.
Extra libraries and examples for libfreenect, especially high level processing, vision, and visualizations
DepthJS allows any web page to interact with the Microsoft Kinect using Javascript.
openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
DEPRECATED - Project no longer supported, please consider using https://github.com/prey/prey-node-client instead