A Stripe client library written in Go.
Currently, the library adheres to Stripe API version 2014-08-20. For more details on changes between versions, see the API changelog.
With the addition of a new version, the previous version is tagged. This allows consumers on older API versions to be able to use a specific version of the client.
To see the list of past versions, run git tag
In order to use an older version of the client, clone this repo, checkout the specific tag and build the library manually:
git clone https://github.com/cosn/stripe.git
cd stripe
git checkout api_version_tag
go build
go get github.com/cosn/stripe
Set the STRIPE_KEY environment variable to match your test private key:
Then run:
go test github.com/cosn/stripe...
First import the package into your code:
import (
To use the client, initialize it and before making any requests:
stripe := &stripe.Client{}
stripe.Init(YOUR_API_KEY, nil, nil)
The second parameter can be used to set a different http.Client (by default, http.DefaultClient is used). The third parameter can be used to inject a mock Api implementation so calls aren't actually made to Stripe. This can be useful for writing your own unit tests.
While some resources may contain more/less APIs, the following pattern is applied throughout the library for a given resource
// Create
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Create(ResourceParams)
// Get
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Get(id)
// Update
resource, err := stripe.Resources.Get(ResourceParams)
// Delete
err := stripe.Resources.Delete(id)
// List
resourceList, err := stripe.Resources.List(ResourceListParams)
Below are a few simple examples. For details on all the functionality in this library, see the GoDoc documentation.
For more details about the Stripe, see the Stripe official documentation.
params := &CustomerParams{
Balance: -123,
Card: &CardParams{
Name: "Go Stripe",
Number: "378282246310005",
Month: "06",
Year: "15",
Desc: "Stripe Dev",
Email: "[email protected]",
customer, err := stripe.Customers.Create(params)
params := &ChargeListParams{Customer: customer.Id}
params.Filters.AddFilter("include", "", "total_count")
charges, err := stripe.Charges.List(params)
for _, charge := range(charges.Values) {
// perform an action on each charge
events, err := stripe.Events.List(nil)
for _, e := range(events.Values) {
// access event data via e.GetObjValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
// alternatively you can access values via e.Data.Obj["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]
// access previous attributes via e.GetPrevValue("resource_name_based_on_type", "resource_property_name")
// alternatively you can access values via e.Data.Prev["resource_name_based_on_type"].(map[string]interface{})["resource_property_name"]
Below are the known imporvements planned in the near future:
- Add support for expanding of properties
For any other requests, bug or comments, please open an issue. Pull requests are welcome.