Contributions to Sentry Elixir are encouraged and welcome from everyone.
Before submitting code, please run the test suite, format code according to Elixir's
code formatter and Credo. This can be done with
mix test
, mix format
and mix credo
The build server will also run dialyzer
using dialyxir to check the typespecs, but this can be onerous
to install and run. It is okay to submit changes without running it, but can
be run with mix dialyzer
if you would like to run them yourself.
Once all checks are passing, you are ready to open a pull request.
Once a pull request is sent, the changes will be reviewed.
If any changes are necessary, maintainers will leave comments requesting changes to the code. This does not guarantee a pull request will be accepted, as it will be reviewed following each change.
Once the code is approved, your changes will be merged!