Ribbon plays an critical role in supporting inter-process communication in the cloud. The library includes the Netflix' client side load balancers and clients for middle tier services.
Ribbon provides the following features:
- Multiple and pluggable load balancing rules
- Integration with service discovery
- Built-in failure resiliency
- Cloud enabled
- Clients integrated with load balancers
- Configuration based client factory
There are three sub projects:
- ribbon-core: includes load balancer and client interface definitions, common load balancer implementations, integration of client with load balancers and client factory.
- ribbon-eureka: includes load balancer implementations based on Eureka client, which is the library for service registration and discovery.
- ribbon-httpclient: includes the implementation of REST client integrated with load balancers. It also includes the sample application in its test sources.
Please note that the default client configured in ribbon-core is the REST client in ribbon-httpclient. Unless this is changed in client applications, ribbon-core has runtime dependency on ribbon-httpclient.