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M3DB on Kubernetes

This doc is aimed at developers building M3DB on Kubernetes. End users should see our how-to guide for more info.


In order to make it possible to set up m3db using a single YAML file that can be passed as a URL to kubectl apply, we bundle our manifests into a single bundle.yaml file. In order to create a bundle, simply run It will take care of ordering (i.e. Namespace object comes first) and produce a single YAML file.


A Kubernetes manifests for running m3nsch is included. m3nsch is a tool for load-testing M3DB clusters. The manifest will configure m3nsch to generate load for a cluster created according to bundle.yaml. The m3nsch setup will contain 2 deployments: 1 for the agent which generates and sends load and 1 for the client from which you can control the agent. For example:

$ kubectl apply -f kube/m3nsch.yaml
configmap/m3nsch-server-config created
service/m3nsch-agent created
service/m3nsch-agent-debug created
deployment.apps/m3nsch-server created
deployment.apps/m3nsch-client created

$ kubectl get po -l app=m3nsch,component=client
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
m3nsch-client-78987775f5-l5pvs   1/1     Running   0          5s

$ kubectlc exec -it m3nsch-client-78987775f5-l5pvs
/ # ./bin/m3nsch_client -e m3nsch-agent-0.m3nsch-agent:2580,m3nsch-agent-1.m3nsch-agent:2580,m3nsch-agent-2.m3nsch-agent:2580 init -t foo -z default_zone -v default_env -n m3db-cluster
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Go Runtime version: go1.10.2
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Build Version:      v0.4.5
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Build Revision:     aa253ca01
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Build Branch:       schallert/m3nsch_update
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Build Date:         2018-09-29-21:31:30
2018/09/30 15:24:16 Build TimeUnix:     1538256690
/ # ./bin/m3nsch_client -e m3nsch-agent:2580 start
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Go Runtime version: go1.10.2
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Build Version:      v0.4.5
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Build Revision:     aa253ca01
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Build Branch:       schallert/m3nsch_update
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Build Date:         2018-09-29-21:31:30
2018/09/30 15:24:23 Build TimeUnix:     1538256690
15:24:23.205737[I] workload started!

You can view the stats of the ongoing benchmark via m3nsch_server's prometheus endpoints:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/m3nch-agent 12580
$ curl -sSf localhost:12580/metrics | rg write.+success
# TYPE write_req_success counter
write_req_success 146000