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@astrobot-houston astrobot-houston released this 03 Aug 15:20
· 5580 commits to main since this release

Major Changes

  • 1eae2e3f7 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Remove support for Node 16. The lowest supported version by Astro and all integrations is now v18.14.1. As a reminder, Node 16 will be deprecated on the 11th September 2023.

  • 76ddef19c Thanks @Princesseuh! - Removed automatic flattening of getStaticPaths result. .flatMap and .flat should now be used to ensure that you're returning a flat array.

  • 3fdf509b2 Thanks @ematipico! - The build.split and build.excludeMiddleware configuration options are deprecated and have been replaced by options in the adapter config.

    If your config includes the build.excludeMiddleware option, replace it with edgeMiddleware in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify/functions";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        excludeMiddleware: true
         adapter: netlify({
    +        edgeMiddleware: true

    If your config includes the build.split option, replace it with functionPerRoute in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify/functions";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        split: true
         adapter: netlify({
    +        functionPerRoute: true
  • 2f951cd40 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Sharp is now the default image service used for astro:assets. If you would prefer to still use Squoosh, you can update your config with the following:

    import { defineConfig, squooshImageService } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
      image: {
        service: squooshImageService(),

    However, not only do we recommend using Sharp as it is faster and more reliable, it is also highly likely that the Squoosh service will be removed in a future release.

  • c022a4217 Thanks @Princesseuh! - When using an adapter that supports neither Squoosh or Sharp, Astro will now automatically use an image service that does not support processing, but still provides the other benefits of astro:assets such as enforcing alt, no CLS etc to users

  • 67becaa58 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for old syntax of the API routes.

  • dfc2d93e3 Thanks @bluwy! - Remove MDX plugin re-ordering hack

  • 3dc1ca2fa Thanks @Princesseuh! - Reduced the amount of polyfills provided by Astro. Astro will no longer provide (no-op) polyfills for several web apis such as HTMLElement, Image or Document. If you need access to those APIs on the server, we recommend using more proper polyfills available on npm.

  • 1be84dfee Thanks @Princesseuh! - Update tsconfig.json presets with moduleResolution: 'bundler' and other new options from TypeScript 5.0. Astro now assumes that you use TypeScript 5.0 (March 2023), or that your editor includes it, ex: VS Code 1.77

  • 35f01df79 Thanks @Princesseuh! - The astro check command now requires an external package @astrojs/check and an install of typescript in your project. This was done in order to make the main astro package smaller and give more flexibility to users in regard to the version of TypeScript they use.

  • 3fdf509b2 Thanks @ematipico! - The build.split and build.excludeMiddleware configuration options are deprecated and have been replaced by options in the adapter config.

    If your config includes the build.excludeMiddleware option, replace it with edgeMiddleware in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import vercel from "@astrojs/vercel/serverless";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        excludeMiddleware: true
         adapter: vercel({
    +        edgeMiddleware: true

    If your config includes the build.split option, replace it with functionPerRoute in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import vercel from "@astrojs/vercel/serverless";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        split: true
         adapter: vercel({
    +        functionPerRoute: true
  • 78de801f2 Thanks @ematipico! - Lowercase names for endpoint functions are now deprecated.

    Rename functions to their uppercase equivalent:

    - export function get() {
    + export function GET() {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "title": "Bob's blog" }));
    - export function post() {
    + export function POST() {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "title": "Bob's blog" }));
    - export function put() {
    + export function PUT() {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "title": "Bob's blog" }));
    - export function all() {
    + export function ALL() {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "title": "Bob's blog" }));
    // you can use the whole word "DELETE"
    - export function del() {
    + export function DELETE() {
        return new Response(JSON.stringify({ "title": "Bob's blog" }));
  • 59d6e569f Thanks @matthewp! - Astro.cookies.get(key) returns undefined if cookie doesn't exist

    With this change, Astro.cookies.get(key) no longer always returns a AstroCookie object. Instead it now returns undefined if the cookie does not exist.

    You should update your code if you assume that all calls to get() return a value. When using with has() you still need to assert the value, like so:

    if (Astro.cookies.has(id)) {
      const id = Astro.cookies.get(id)!;
  • 7723c4cc9 Thanks @ematipico! - The property compressHTML is now true by default. Setting this value to true is no longer required.

    If you do not want to minify your HTML output, you must set this value to false in astro.config.mjs.

    import {defineConfig} from "astro/config";
    export default defineConfig({
    +  compressHTML: false
  • fb5cd6b56 Thanks @ematipico! - Astro's default port when running the dev or preview server is now 4321.

    This will reduce conflicts with ports used by other tools.

  • 631b9c410 Thanks @bluwy! - Remove MDX special components export handling

Minor Changes

  • 9b4f70a62 Thanks @ematipico! - Introduced the concept of feature map. A feature map is a list of features that are built-in in Astro, and an Adapter
    can tell Astro if it can support it.

    import { AstroIntegration } from './astro';
    function myIntegration(): AstroIntegration {
      return {
        name: 'astro-awesome-list',
        // new feature map
        supportedAstroFeatures: {
          hybridOutput: 'experimental',
          staticOutput: 'stable',
          serverOutput: 'stable',
          assets: {
            supportKind: 'stable',
            isSharpCompatible: false,
            isSquooshCompatible: false,
  • bc37331d8 Thanks @ematipico! - Integrations can now log messages using Astro’s built-in logger.

    The logger is available to all hooks as an additional parameter:

    import { AstroIntegration } from './astro';
    // integration.js
    export function myIntegration(): AstroIntegration {
      return {
        name: 'my-integration',
        hooks: {
          'astro:config:done': ({ logger }) => {
  'Configure integration...');

Patch Changes