Collection of cheat sheets useful for pentesting
Your contributions and suggestions are heartily welcome. Please check the Contributing Guidelines for more details.
- OSX Command Line Cheat Sheet
- PowerShell Cheat Sheet - SANS PowerShell Cheat Sheet from SEC560 Course (PDF version)
- Regexp Security Cheat Sheet
- Security Cheat Sheets - A collection of security cheat sheets
- Unix / Linux Cheat Sheet
- Google Dorks - Google Dorks Hacking Database (Exploit-DB)
- Shodan - Shodan is a search engine for finding specific devices, and device types, that exist online
- Exploit Development Cheat Sheet - @ovid's exploit development in one picture
- Java Deserialization Cheat Sheet - A cheat sheet for pentesters about Java Native Binary Deserialization vulnerabilities
- Local File Inclution (LFI) Cheat Sheet #1 - Arr0way's LFI Cheat Sheet
- Local File Inclution (LFI) Cheat Sheet #2 - Aptive's LFI Cheat Sheet
- Metasploit Unleashed - The ultimate guide to the Metasploit Framework
- Metasploit Cheat Sheet - A quick reference guide (PNG version)(PDF version)
- PHP htaccess Injection Cheat Sheet - htaccess Injection Cheat Sheet by PHP Secure Configuration Checker
- Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet #1 - Pentestmonkey Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet
- Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet #2 - Arr0way's Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet
- SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - Netsparker's SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
- SQLite3 Injection Cheat Sheet
- Basic Linux Privilege Escalation - Linux Privilege Escalation by @g0tmi1k
- - Linux privilege escalation auditing tool written in bash (updated)
- - Linux Exploit Suggester written in Perl (last update 3 years ago)
- PowerUp - Excellent powershell script for checking of common Windows privilege escalation vectors. Written by harmj0y
- Windows Exploit Suggester - Tool for detection of missing security patches on the windows operating system and mapping with the public available exploits
- Sherlock - PowerShell script to quickly find missing software patches for local privilege escalation vulnerabilities
- Precompiled Windows Exploits - Collection of precompiled Windows exploits
- Metasploit Modules
- post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester - suggests local meterpreter exploits that can be used
- post/windows/gather/enum_patches - helps to identify any missing patches
- Nmap Cheat Sheet
- SQLmap Cheat Sheet
- SQLmap Tamper Scripts - SQLmal Tamper Scripts General/MSSQL/MySQL
- VIM Cheatsheet
- Fuzzdb - Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application testing
- XSS Polyglot Payloads #1 - Unleashing an Ultimate XSS Polyglot list by 0xsobky
- XSS Polyglot Payloads #2 - @filedescriptor's XSS Polyglot Challenge with submitted solutions
- SecList - A collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data grep strings, fuzzing payloads, and many more
- Bug Bounty Reference - huge list of bug bounty write-up that is categorized by the bug type (SQLi, XSS, IDOR, etc.)
- Facebook Bug Bounties - Categorized Facebook Bug Bounties write-ups
- OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project (Online) - List of online available vulnerable applications for learning purposes
- Pentestit labs - Hands-on Pentesting Labs (OSCP style)
- - Hundreds of challenges are available to train yourself in different and not simulated environments
- - Vulnerable By Design VMs for practical 'hands-on' experience in digital security
- Damn Vulnerable Xebia Training Environment - Docker Container including several vurnerable web applications (DVWA,DVWServices, DVWSockets, WebGoat, Juiceshop, Railsgoat, django.NV, Buggy Bank, Mutilidae II and more)
- OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project (Offline) - List of offline available vulnerable applications for learning purposes
- wifite2 - Full authomated WiFi security testing script
- Docker Security Cheat Sheet - The following tips should help you to secure a container based system (PDF version)
- Windows Domain Hardening - A curated list of awesome Security Hardening techniques for Windows
- JavaScript Cheat Sheet - Learn javascript in one picture (Online version) (PNG version)
- Python Cheat Sheet #1 - Learn python3 in one picture (PNG version)
- Python Cheat Sheet #2 - Learn python3 in one picture (Online version) (PNG version)
- Python Snippets Cheat Sheet - List of helpful re-usable code snippets in Python