The v3.9.0 release includes features and fixes from 62 pull requests since the v3.8.2 release. New features include:
- #3986 - Modify 'url' option of ol.source.Vector to accept a function (@alvinlindstam)
- #4069 - Add Z-index to layers (@gberaudo)
- #4044 - Add ol.interaction.Draw#continueDrawing (@elemoine)
- #4008 - Add a Translate interaction (@elemoine)
See the complete list below for details. And see the following notes to know how to upgrade from v3.8.x to v3.9.0.
The experimental getAnchor
, getOrigin
, and getSize
methods have been removed. The anchor and origin of a circle symbolizer are not modifiable, so these properties should not need to be accessed. The radius and stroke width can be used to calculate the rendered size of a circle symbolizer if needed:
// calculate rendered size of a circle symbolizer
var width = 2 * circle.getRadius();
if (circle.getStroke()) {
width += circle.getStroke().getWidth() + 1;
- #4055 - Improve graticule perf (@fgravin)
- #4088 - Update jshint to v2.8.0 (@fredj)
- #4089 - ��SelectEventType in ol.interaction namespace (@pgiraud)
- #4095 - Zoom to the extent of the drag box. (@tschaub)
- #4084 - Fewer circle exports. (@tschaub)
- #4094 - Allow source.setAttributions() to be exported. (@tschaub)
- #4096 - Reinstate inheritdoc to fix #4082 (@bjornharrtell)
- #4091 - Remove unused ol.renderer.webgl.Map.DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUES_ (@fredj)
- #4092 - Minor coding style fixes (@fredj)
- #4083 - Add API descriptions. (@tschaub)
- #4078 - Enable all the compiler checks (@fredj)
- #4085 - Parse nested document tag (@oterral)
- #4060 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4064 - Use a private variable to cache the default style array (@fredj)
- #4081 - Update link to workshop. (@tschaub)
- #4062 - Remove ol.xml.makeParsersNS and use ol.xml.makeStructureNS instead (@fredj)
- #3986 - Modify 'url' option of ol.source.Vector to accept a function (@alvinlindstam)
- #4077 - Add missing const jsdoc annotation (@fredj)
- #4080 - Remove unused goog.require in examples (@fredj)
- #4041 - Fix custom build issue (@elemoine)
- #4059 - Clarify drag interaction example to inform about ol.interaction.Translate (@alvinlindstam)
- #4069 - Add Z-index to layers (@gberaudo)
- #4076 - Add assertion for required option 'code' on ol.proj.Projection (@weskamm)
- #4075 - setOpacity of Image undefined (@bartvde)
- #4044 - Add ol.interaction.Draw#continueDrawing (@elemoine)
- #4073 - Better type definition (@fredj)
- #4072 - Update to closure-util 1.7.0 (@elemoine)
- #4070 - Make the debug server work regardless of the current working directory. (@tschaub)
- #4067 - Fix bootstrap class name in examples (@fredj)
- #4050 - Use view.getRotation and view.getResolution instead of view.getState (@fredj)
- #4051 - Move wrench node package to devDependencies (@fredj)
- #4047 - Remove pystache dependency (@fredj)
- #4027 - closure-compiler v20150729 compatibility (@fredj)
- #4040 - Better docs for ol.ENABLE_[WEBGL|CANVAS|DOM] (@elemoine)
- #4032 - Improve ol.Overlay extensibility (@gberaudo)
- #4037 - Don't install python packages in before_install (@fredj)
- #4028 - Update to closure-util 1.6 (@elemoine)
- #4014 - Remove deprecated checkStructDictInheritance (@fredj)
- #3987 - Remove unnecessary cast (@fredj)
- #4035 - Remove unused sphere and ellipsoid methods. (@tschaub)
- #4031 - Fixing size of popup (@pgiraud)
- #4023 - Render map when layer.setMap(map) called (@elemoine)
- #4026 - Fix Font Awesome CSS class in examples (@fredj)
- #4024 - Correct documentation for ol.FeatureStyleFunction (@marcjansen)
- #4011 - Make Modify interaction listen to feature changes (@elemoine)
- #3917 - Resolved issue with cluster source reloading (@cmiles74)
- #4015 - Add a getUrls Method to ol.source.XYZ (@weskamm)
- #4019 - Simplify .editorconfig file (@marcjansen)
- #4002 - Update closure-library to latest commit (@fredj)
- #4018 - Fix rotate buttons in animation example (@marcjansen)
- #4013 - Use a more recent version of marked (@marcjansen)
- #4017 - Do not overwrite projections in the registry simply by using
new ol.proj.Projection()
(@ahocevar) - #4008 - Add a Translate interaction (@elemoine)
- #3230 - Add stroke to default editing style for geometry collections (@pgiraud)
- #4007 - Do not use Function.prototype.bind in examples (@elemoine)
- #4006 - Fix typo (vegetaion -> vegetation) (@elemoine)
- #3993 - Replace base symbols with overridden ones when generating info.json (@ahocevar)
- #3992 - Fix typo in Makefile (@fredj)
- #3989 - Handle JSONP errors in ol.source.TileJSON (@fredj)
- #3983 - Remove doc footer with timestamp. (@tschaub)
- #3984 - Style source control links in examples. (@tschaub)
- #3982 - Rebuild examples if package.json changes. (@tschaub)