PHPBrake is the official Airbrake PHP error notifier. PHPBrake includes many useful features that give you control over when and what you send to Airbrake, you can:
- Send notices from try-catch blocks in your code
- Add custom data to a notice
- Filter sensitive data from the notice
- Ignore specific exceptions
- Configure an error handler to capture uncaught exceptions
- Integrate with monolog
- Integrate with Laravel
- Integrate with CakePHP 3.x
- Integrate with Symfony
- Integrate with Zend
- and more
composer require airbrake/phpbrake
// Create new Notifier instance.
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
'projectId' => 12345, // FIX ME
'projectKey' => 'abcdefg' // FIX ME
// Set global notifier instance.
// Register error and exception handlers.
$handler = new Airbrake\ErrorHandler($notifier);
// Somewhere in the app...
try {
throw new Exception('hello from phpbrake');
} catch(Exception $e) {
Notifier API consists of 4 methods:
- builds Airbrake notice.sendNotice
- sends notice to Airbrake.notify
- shortcut forbuildNotice
- adds filter that can modify and/or filter notices.
$notifier->addFilter(function ($notice) {
$notice['context']['environment'] = 'production';
return $notice;
$notifier->addFilter(function ($notice) {
if (isset($notice['params']['password'])) {
$notice['params']['password'] = 'FILTERED';
return $notice;
$notifier->addFilter(function ($notice) {
if ($notice['errors'][0]['type'] == 'MyExceptionClass') {
// Ignore this exception.
return null;
return $notice;
$notifier->addFilter(function ($notice) {
$notice['context']['user']['name'] = 'Avocado Jones';
$notice['context']['user']['email'] = '[email protected]';
$notice['context']['user']['id'] = 12345;
return $notice;
Severity allows
categorizing how severe an error is. By default, it's set to error
. To
redefine severity, simply overwrite context/severity
of a notice object. For
$notice = $notifier->buildNotice($e);
$notice['context']['severity'] = 'critical';
Notifier can handle PHP errors, uncaught exceptions and shutdown. You can register appropriate handlers using following code:
$handler = new Airbrake\ErrorHandler($notifier);
Under the hood $handler->register
does following:
set_error_handler([$this, 'onError'], error_reporting());
set_exception_handler([$this, 'onException']);
register_shutdown_function([$this, 'onShutdown']);
$log = new Monolog\Logger('billing');
$log->pushHandler(new Airbrake\MonologHandler($notifier));
$log->addError('charge failed', ['client_id' => 123]);
The version of your application that you can pass to differentiate exceptions between multiple versions. It's not set by default.
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'appVersion' => '1.2.3',
// ...
By default, it is set to
. A host
is a web address containing a
scheme ("http" or "https"), a host and a port. You can omit the port (80 will be
assumed) and the scheme ("https" will be assumed).
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'host' => '', // put your errbit host here
// ...
Configures the root directory of your project. Expects a String or a Pathname, which represents the path to your project. Providing this option helps us to filter out repetitive data from backtrace frames and link to GitHub files from our dashboard.
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'rootDirectory' => '/var/www/project',
// ...
Configures the environment the application is running in. Helps the Airbrake dashboard to distinguish between exceptions occurring in different environments. By default, it's not set.
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'environment' => 'staging',
// ...
Configures the underlying http client that must implement GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface
// Supply your own client.
$client = new Airbrake\Http\GuzzleClient(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(['timeout' => 3])
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'httpClient' => $client,
// ...
With keysBlacklist
option you can specify list of keys containing sensitive information that must be filtered out, e.g.:
$notifier = new Airbrake\Notifier([
// ...
'keysBlacklist' => ['/secret/i', '/password/i'],
// ...
composer install
composer require phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor
vendor/bin/phpdoc -d src
firefox output/index.html
In case you have a problem, question or a bug report, feel free to:
PHPBrake is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).