Create an account and launch a VM with the following properties
- Framework: PyTorch-2.1
- GPU Type: RTX6000 Ada-48GB
- Number of GPUs: 1
- Duration: Hourly
- Cost: $1.165/hr
- RAM | Cores: 128GB | 32
- Reserved
- SSD: 200GB - $0.025/hr
Click on the Jupyterlab Notebook icon, and when in Jupyterlab launch a terminal
From the terminal, execute the following commands :
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wordslab-org/wordslab/main/cloudvm/create_workspace_project.sh
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wordslab-org/wordslab/main/cloudvm/delete_workspace_project.sh
- chmod u+x *.sh
- ./create_workspace_project.sh https://github.com/wordslab-org/wordslab-llms.git
- Open the notebooks from your Github projet by selecting the Python kernel corresponding to to your Github project name
- install all the required packages from this kernel
- they will be installed in an isolated virtual environment
- Use the Jupyterlab Git plugin on the left of the screen to commit then push your changes to the source repo