- Next image will be self-updating. Minor changes (OP code), major changes (OP code + dependencies) and upgrades (minor, major and Raspbian upgrades).
- Write a GUI for startup script to show startup process, inform of errors and show recommendations (changing pi user, access point and VNC passwords)
- startup can be started from terminal
startup stop
is the same asstartup restart
(for debug, warm restart and stop OpenPlotter server processes) - Build a better default Node-RED flow to feed freeboard and Node-RED Dashboard
- Rebuild calculations.
- Rebuild the Actions system to implement the new signalk-server-node plugin to create alarm zones for signalk keys.
- Rebuild the MQTT system to perform the signalk specification.
- Rebuild GPIO system.
- Set beginners/expert modes.
- Add local documentation (pdf).
- Set Android USB tethering for internet connection (and SMS?).
- Use gprx for better AIS reception?.
- Translations.
- SignalK can be installed/updated without adding any OpenPlotter setting files
- OpenPlotter SPI can be completly disabled (issues with some touch screen drivers)