There are people who buy boats but there are also people who build them, why not build your own electronics too? OpenPlotter is a combination of software and hardware to be used as navigational aid on small and medium boats. It works on ARM computers like the Raspberry Pi and is open-source, low-cost and low-consumption. Its design is modular, so you just have to implement what your boat needs. Do it yourself.
- Chartplotter. With OpenCPN, a navigation software with useful plugins.
- Weather Forecast. Download and visualize GRIB files with zyGrib.
- NMEA 0183 Multiplexer. Multiplex and filter data inputs from any number of serial and network interfaces. Send and filter to any number of outputs.
- Signal K (beta). OpenPlotter is ready for Signal K, the free and open source universal marine data exchange.
- NMEA Inspector. Check the data traffic to avoid conflicts and overlaps between sources.
- WiFi Access Point. Share data (NMEA 0183, Signal K, remote desktop) with laptops, tablets and phones. Connect to internet on port through the same device.
- Remote Desktop. Access to OpenPlotter desktop from the cockpit through your mobile devices.
- SDR-AIS. Receive and decode AIS with cheap DVB-T dongles. Calibration tools Included.
- Magnetic Variation. Calculate magnetic variation for date and position.
- Electronic Compass. Calculate magnetic heading with an IMU sensor. Tilt compensated. Calibration tools Included.
- True Heading. Calculate true heading from magnetic variation and magnetic heading.
- True Wind. Calculate true wind from apparent wind and either speed through water (speed log) or speed over ground (GPS).
- Barograph and Thermograph. From pressure and temperature sensors. Save logs and display graphs to see trends.
- System Time Tools. Set the system time from NMEA data and set the time zone easily.
- Startup Programs. Select some program parameters to launch at start.