Open source RISC-V implemented from scratch in one night!
Developed in a magic night of 19 Aug, 2018 (between 2am and 8am) the darkriscv is a very, very experimental implementation of the RISC-V instruction set. Nowadays, after one week, the darkriscv reached a high quality result, in a way that the "hello world" compiled by the gcc is working fine!
The general concept is based in my other early RISC processors and composed by a simplified two stage pipeline where a instruction is fetch from a instruction memory in the first clock and decoded/executed in the second clock. The pipeline is overlapped without interlocks, in a way the darkriscv can reach the performance of one instruction per clock most of time (the exception is after a branch, where the pipeline is flushed). As addition, the code is very compact, with around two hundred lines of Verilog code.
Although the code is small and crude when compared with other RISC-V implementations, the darkriscv has lots of impressive features:
- implements most of the RISC-V RV32I instruction set
- works up to 75MHz and reach 1 instruction/clock most of time
- uses only 2 blockRAMs: one for instruction and another one for data
- uses only around 1000 LUTs (spartan-6)
- working fine in a real spartan-6 lx9 after one week of development
- working fine with gcc 9.0.0 for RISC-V (no patches required!)
- flexible harvard architecture
Feel free to make suggestions and good hacking! o/
Since my target is the ultra-low-cost Xilinx Spartan-6 family of FPGAs, the project is currently based in the Xilinx ISE 14.4 for Linux. However, no explicit references for Xilinx elements are done and all logic is inferred directly from Verilog, which means that the project is easily portable to any other FPGA families.
One interesting fact is that although the darkriscv is 3x more efficient when compared with picorv32 (1 vs 3 clocks per instruction), the last one is more heavily pipelined and can reach a clock 2x faster (75MHz vs 150MHz). Anyway, this means that the darkriscv is 1.5x faster than the picorv32 (75MIPS vs 50MIPS). As long the motivation around the darkriscv is replace some 680x0 and Coldfire processors, the performance of 75MIPS is good enough for me. Due to the way that the bus is designed, the picorv32 works in a similar way to a 68020 or 68030 with an asynchronous bus and the darkriscv works like a 68040 with a synchronous bus.
Sometimes this is good, sometimes not so good... Unfortunately, the problem regarding the bus is that the blockRAM requires two cycles in order to dump the data, one clock to register the address and another clock to register de data. In the case of darkriscv this is a problem and the current workaround is set the blockRAMs to work in the opposite edge clock, which is not so good, but works. In some sense, it is equivalent to say that the darkriscv have a pipeline with 1 + 2x1/2 stages:
- 1/2 stage for instruction pre-fetch
- 1/2 stage for static instruction decode
- 1 stage for decode and execution
Except in the case of load/store, which uses 2x1/2 stages:
- 1/2 stage for instruction pre-fetch
- 1/2 stage for static instruction decode
- 1/2 stage for decode and execution
- 1/2 state for data read
When working only with positive edge of clock, the performance increases from 75 to 100MHz, but one wait-state will be required for the bus, which means that the final performance decreases from 75MIPS to 50MIPS.
After some work, the darkriscv supports a variable number of wait-states between 0 and n. Although is possible work with memories in the positive edge of clock by inserting one wait-state, the performance in this case decreases from 1 instruction per clock to 0.5 instructions per clock.
For my surprise, after lots of years working only with big-endian architectures, I found that the RISC-V is a little-endian architecture! I am not sure the implementation is correct, but it appears to be working without problems!
Additional performance results (synthesis only) for other Xilinx devices available in the ISE:
- Spartan-3e: 47MHz
- Spartan-6: 75MHz
- Artix-7: 133MHz
- Virtex-6: 137MHz
- Kintex-7: 167MHz
Of course, the above numbers always change according to the logic around the darkriscv, which means that numbers are just an approximation. Just for curiosity, the spartan-3e model 100 costs 12$ ( and the darkriscv uses 86% of the FPGA capacity.
In the first implementation, the cache controller reduces the performance by around 30%, which means that the 75MHz core will run only with 50MHz with the cache controller added. Of course, the shared bus and the external memory will add extra overhead, as well wait-states. In the tests I used only the blockRAM to simulate a unified memory with 3-wait-states. As long the instruction and data cache filling must share the same bus, the data operations are done before the instruction operation and then the next instruction is fetched. I am not sure this scheme is fully safe, but the "hello world" code is working fine.
In fact, when running the "hello world" code we get the following results:
- darkriscv@75MHz -cache -wait-states: 6.40us
- darkriscv@50MHZ +cache +wait-states: 13.84us
As long the code is very small and fits entirely in the cache: the code is almost all cached after 3.7us and the data after 3.0us. As long the darkriscv uses a write through scheme, the write operations always require 3-wait-states. According to the "hello world" test, the version with cache controller is 50% worst, but it is probably better than always insert wait states regarding an slow external memory.
In the case, we have 3 wait states at 50MHz, which means a memory working at around 16MHz. In the case of the darkriscv clocked at 75MHz, we need probably 5 wait states, which results in a theorical performance of around 30us to run the "hello world" test. This means that the darkriscv w/ cache controller running at 50MHz and 3 wait states is more than 2x faster than a darkriscv w/o cache controller running at 75MHz and with 5 wait states.
Additional tests with a modified darkriscv with true 3-stage pipeline:
- 1st. stage: instruction pre-fetch (no operation other than cache)
- 2nd. stage: instruction "static" decode (no register or memory read here!)
- 3rt. stage: instruction execution (register/memory read/write)
The clock improved from 50MHz to 75MHz running with the cache controller and from 75 to 90MHz running without the cache controller.
Unfortunately, the extra stage means that the pipeline flush changes from 1 clock to 2 clocks, which means longer delays to refill the pipeline. As result, the 3-stage pipeline version produced the following result in the hello world code:
- darkrisc@75MHz +cache +wait-states: 9.37us
In my opinion, this is a very good result! Unfortunately, at this moment the the 3-stage pipeline does not work in the scenario with no external cache controller.
About the compiler, I am working with the experimental gcc 9.0.0 for RISC-V (no patches or updates are required for the darkriscv, as long the gcc appears to no use some missing features). Although is possible use the compiler set available in the oficial RISC-V site, our colleagues from lowRISC pointed a more clever way to build the toolchain:
git clone --depth=1 git:// gcc
git clone --depth=1 git://
git clone --depth=1 git://
mkdir combined
cd combined
ln -s ../newlib-cygwin/* .
ln -sf ../binutils-gdb/* .
ln -sf ../gcc/* .
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --target=riscv32-unknown-elf --enable-languages=c --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-multilib --disable-gdb --disable-libssp --with-newlib --with-arch=rv32ima --with-abi=ilp32 --prefix=/usr/local/share/gcc-riscv32-unknown-elf
make -j4
make install
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/gcc-riscv32-unknown-elf/bin/
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -v
Finally, as long the darkriscv is not yet fully tested, sometimes is a very good idea compare the code execution with another stable reference and I am working with the project picorv32:
Maybe the most complex issue is the memory design. Of course, it is a gcc issue and it is not even a problem, in fact, is the way that the software guys works when linking the code and data! As long the early version of darkriscv does not include support for a unified code and data memory, the ROM and RAM must be loaded with the same code generated by the gcc, which is sometimes confusing to make work.
- ise: the ISE project files (xise and ucf)
- rtl: the source for the core and soc
- sim: the simulation to test the soc
- src: the source code for the test firmware (hello.c)
- tmp: the ISE working directory (you need to create it!)
The ise directory contains the xise project file to be open in the Xilinx ISE 14.x and the project is assembled in a way that all files are loaded. The ISE will ask about a missing tmp directory, just click in Create and the directory will be created. Although a ucf file is provided, the the FPGA is not wired in any particular configuration. Anyway, as long the project is open, is possible build the FPGA or simulate. The simulation will show some waveforms and is possible check the XFIFO port in the top level for debug information (the hello.c code prints the string "hello world!" in the XFIFO).
At the moment, the darksocv is not so relevant and the only function is provide support for the instruction and data memories, as well some related glue-logic. The proposal in the future is implement in the SoC the cache feature in order to make possible connect the darkriscv to large external memories, as well make possible connect multiple darkriscv cores in a SMP configuration.
One possible update for the future is integrate the cache controller in the core, in a way is possible a better flow control. Currently, the only interface between the core and the cache controller is the sinal HLT, which is the same signal for instruction and data.