The blog theme you may fall in love with, coming to Hexo. Preview
⭐ It is strongly recommended that you read the docs before using Icarus.
A nice place to show yourself. You can add your own information in your site's _config.yml
With the help of Insight Search, you can search anything inside your site without any third-party plugin.
Thanks to atika, you can now add thumbnails and banners to every post to create better reading experience.
Icarus knows on what screen size you are browsering the website, and reorganize the layout to fit your device.
Get your categories and tags listed in single pages to make your blog more methodic.
Icarus uses [Fancybox] to showcase your photos. You can use Markdown syntax or fancybox tag plugin to add your photos.

Icarus provides 6 built-in widgets:
- recent_posts
- category
- archives
- tag
- tagcloud
- links
All of them are enabled by default. You can edit them in widget