To create whitestorm.js app you should make a basic HTML document with html
, head
and body
tags. Next step is to include Whitestorm.js to the document and main app script file. You can do it simply using script
<iframe style="height: inherit; width: 100%;" scrolling='no' title='Simple WhitestormJS app' src='' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'>See the Pen Simple WhitestormJS app by Alexander Buzin (@sasha240100) on CodePen.
Try this helloworld demo online.
The first thing you should setup is the App object. When you do this, you do multiple things at once:
- Setup
- Make a perspective camera and add it to the scene.
- Apply background and other renderer options.
- Set auto resize (in addition).
const app = new WHS.App([
new WHS.ElementModule(),
new WHS.SceneModule(),
new WHS.DefineModule('camera', new WHS.PerspectiveCamera({
position: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 50)
new WHS.RenderingModule({bgColor: 0x162129}),
new WHS.ResizeModule()
Q: Why is the color in Hexadecimal format?
A: Simply following Three.js' best practice.