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- Training dataset
- Args
- type : Dataset type, please refer to Data Set Document for the supported values
- others : Please refer to Training Configuration File of Corresponding Model
- Validation dataset
- Args
- type : Dataset type, please refer to Data Set Document for the supported values
- others : Please refer to Training Configuration File of Corresponding Model
- On a single card, the amount of data during each iteration of training. Generally speaking, the larger the video memory of the machine you are using, the larger the batch_size value.
- The process of using a batch of data to update the parameters of the semantic segmentation model is called one training, that is, one iteration. Iters is the number of iterations in the training process.
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- 参数
- type : 优化器类型,支持目前Paddle官方所有优化器
- weight_decay : L2正则化的值
- others : 请参考Paddle官方Optimizer文档 =======
- Optimizer in training
- Args
- type : Optimizer type, currently only supports'sgd' and'adam'
- momentum : Momentum optimization.
- weight_decay : L2 regularized value.
- Learning rate
- Args
- type : Learning rate type, supports 12 strategies: 'PolynomialDecay', 'PiecewiseDecay', 'StepDecay', 'CosineAnnealingDecay', 'ExponentialDecay', 'InverseTimeDecay', 'LinearWarmup', 'MultiStepDecay', 'NaturalExpDecay', 'NoamDecay', ReduceOnPlateau, LambdaDecay.
- others : Please refer to Paddle official LRScheduler document
learning_rate(This configuration is not recommended and will be obsolete in the future. It is recommended to use lr_scheduler
- Learning rate
- Args
- value : Initial learning rate.
- decay : Attenuation configuration.
- type : Attenuation type, currently only supports poly.
- power : Attenuation rate.
- end_lr : Final learning rate.
- Loss function
- Args
- types : List of loss functions.
- type : Loss function type, please refer to the loss function library for the supported values.
- coef : List of coefficients corresponding to the loss function list.
- Model to be trained
- Args
- type : Model type, please refer to Model Library for the supported values
- others : Please refer to Training Configuration File of Corresponding Model
- Model export configuration
- Args
- transforms : The preprocessing operation during prediction, the supported transforms are the same as
, etc. If you do not fill in this item, only the data will be normalized by default.
batch_size: 4 # Set the number of pictures sent to the network at one iteration. Generally speaking, the larger the video memory of the machine you are using, the higher the batch_size value.
iters: 80000 # Number of iterations
train_dataset: # Training dataset
type: Cityscapes # The name of the training dataset class
dataset_root: data/cityscapes # The directory where the training dataset is stored
transforms: # Data transformation and data augmentation
- type: ResizeStepScaling # The image is scaled according to a certain ratio, and this ratio takes scale_step_size as the step size
min_scale_factor: 0.5 # Parameters involved in the scaling process
max_scale_factor: 2.0
scale_step_size: 0.25
- type: RandomPaddingCrop # Random cropping of images and annotations
crop_size: [1024, 512]
- type: RandomHorizontalFlip # Flip the image horizontally with a certain probability
- type: Normalize # Normalize the image
mode: train # Training mode
val_dataset: # Validation dataset
type: Cityscapes # The name of the validating dataset class
dataset_root: data/cityscapes # The directory where the validating dataset is stored
- type: Normalize # Normalize the image
mode: val # Validating mode
optimizer: # Which optimizer to use
type: sgd # Stochastic gradient descent
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 4.0e-5
lr_scheduler: # Related settings for learning rate
type: PolynomialDecay # A type of learning rate,a total of 12 strategies are supported
learning_rate: 0.01
power: 0.9
end_lr: 0
loss: # What loss function to use
- type: CrossEntropyLoss # Cross entropy loss function
coef: [1] # When multiple loss functions are used, the ratio of each loss can be specified in coef
model: # Which semantic segmentation model to use
type: FCN
backbone: # What kind of backbone network to use
type: HRNet_W18
pretrained: pretrained_model/hrnet_w18_ssld # Specify the storage path of the pre-trained model
num_classes: 19 # Number of pixel categories
pretrained: Null
backbone_indices: [-1]