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keithlee96 / pluribus-poker-AI
Forked from fedden/poker_ai🤖 An Open Source Texas Hold'em AI
Quekie / openwrt-Ss
Forked from mba811/openwrt-Ss打造一台翻墙路由器,ShadowSocks翻墙,OpenWrt路由器
Bounty program for CryptoKitties smart contract
ambelovsky / koa-socket-2
Forked from mattstyles/koa-socketSocket.IO for Koa
hltj / kotlin-web-site-cn
Forked from JetBrains/kotlin-web-siteKotlin 语言中文站
中文Kotlin编程语言网站,制作中,欢迎加入(Chinese Kotlin website),本库已经废弃,同步翻译站请移步
vuejs / vue-style-loader
Forked from webpack-contrib/style-loader💅 vue style loader module for webpack
yuche / javascript
Forked from airbnb/javascriptAirbnb JavaScript 编码规范
quericy / ExportXiamiList
Forked from fyl00/ExportXiamiList导出虾米歌单方便导入到网易云音乐
timtylin / scholdoc
Forked from jgm/pandocFork of Pandoc for the implementation of a ScholarlyMarkdown parser
fex-team / http2-spec
Forked from httpwg/http2-specWorking copy of the HTTP/2 Specification
Graphics interface of aria2 for Android
lisposter / learnyounode
Forked from workshopper/learnyounodeLearn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
[DEPRECATED] Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor
Write Through and Read Through caching library inspired by CacheMoney and cache_fu, support ActiveRecord 3.
justjavac / json-api-zh_CN
Forked from json-api/json-api用 JSON 构建 API 的标准指南
sjl / oh-my-zsh
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzshA community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
netatoo / phoenix-theme
Forked from buymeasoda/soda-themeDark & Light custom UI themes with colors variations for Sublime Text 2
addyosmani / dotfiles
Forked from paulirish/dotfilesMy dot files (in need of updating to my latest)
A guide for styling your node.js / JavaScript code. Fork & adjust to your taste.
hyde / hyde-old
Forked from lethain/aym-cmsStatic website generator inspired by Jekyll
jserme /
Forked from expressjs/expressjs.comthe website