Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution.
NetCoreServer documentation
NetCoreServer downloads
- Cross platform (Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Asynchronous communication
- Supported transport protocols: TCP, SSL, UDP, UDP multicast
- Supported Web protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket, WebSocket secure
- Supported Swagger OpenAPI iterative documentation
- Linux
- Windows 10
- .NET Core
- 7-Zip
- cmake
- git
- Visual Studio
git clone https://github.com/chronoxor/NetCoreServer.git
cd NetCoreServer
cd build
cd build
Open and build NetCoreServer.sln or run the build script:
cd build
The build script will create "release" directory with zip files:
- NetCoreServer.zip - C# Server assembly
- Benchmarks.zip - C# Server benchmarks
- Examples.zip - C# Server examples
Here comes the example of the TCP chat server. It handles multiple TCP client sessions and multicast received message from any session to all ones. Also it is possible to send admin message directly from the server.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace TcpChatServer
class ChatSession : TcpSession
public ChatSession(TcpServer server) : base(server) {}
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP session with Id {Id} connected!");
// Send invite message
string message = "Hello from TCP chat! Please send a message or '!' to disconnect the client!";
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP session with Id {Id} disconnected!");
protected override void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size);
Console.WriteLine("Incoming: " + message);
// Multicast message to all connected sessions
// If the buffer starts with '!' the disconnect the current session
if (message == "!")
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP session caught an error with code {error}");
class ChatServer : TcpServer
public ChatServer(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
protected override TcpSession CreateSession() { return new ChatSession(this); }
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP server caught an error with code {error}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// TCP server port
int port = 1111;
if (args.Length > 0)
port = int.Parse(args[0]);
Console.WriteLine($"TCP server port: {port}");
// Create a new TCP chat server
var server = new ChatServer(IPAddress.Any, port);
// Start the server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Multicast admin message to all sessions
line = "(admin) " + line;
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the TCP chat client. It connects to the TCP chat server and allows to send message to it and receive new messages.
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using TcpClient = NetCoreServer.TcpClient;
namespace TcpChatClient
class ChatClient : TcpClient
public ChatClient(string address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
public void DisconnectAndStop()
_stop = true;
while (IsConnected)
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP client connected a new session with Id {Id}");
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP client disconnected a session with Id {Id}");
// Wait for a while...
// Try to connect again
if (!_stop)
protected override void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size));
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat TCP client caught an error with code {error}");
private bool _stop;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// TCP server address
string address = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
address = args[0];
// TCP server port
int port = 1111;
if (args.Length > 1)
port = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"TCP server address: {address}");
Console.WriteLine($"TCP server port: {port}");
// Create a new TCP chat client
var client = new ChatClient(address, port);
// Connect the client
Console.Write("Client connecting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Disconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
// Send the entered text to the chat server
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes the example of the SSL chat server. It handles multiple SSL client sessions and multicast received message from any session to all ones. Also it is possible to send admin message directly from the server.
This example is very similar to the TCP one except the code that prepares SSL context and handshake handler.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace SslChatServer
class ChatSession : SslSession
public ChatSession(SslServer server) : base(server) {}
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL session with Id {Id} connected!");
protected override void OnHandshaked()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL session with Id {Id} handshaked!");
// Send invite message
string message = "Hello from SSL chat! Please send a message or '!' to disconnect the client!";
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL session with Id {Id} disconnected!");
protected override void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size);
Console.WriteLine("Incoming: " + message);
// Multicast message to all connected sessions
// If the buffer starts with '!' the disconnect the current session
if (message == "!")
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL session caught an error with code {error}");
class ChatServer : SslServer
public ChatServer(SslContext context, IPAddress address, int port) : base(context, address, port) {}
protected override SslSession CreateSession() { return new ChatSession(this); }
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL server caught an error with code {error}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// SSL server port
int port = 2222;
if (args.Length > 0)
port = int.Parse(args[0]);
Console.WriteLine($"SSL server port: {port}");
// Create and prepare a new SSL server context
var context = new SslContext(SslProtocols.Tls12, new X509Certificate2("server.pfx", "qwerty"));
// Create a new SSL chat server
var server = new ChatServer(context, IPAddress.Any, port);
// Start the server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Multicast admin message to all sessions
line = "(admin) " + line;
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the SSL chat client. It connects to the SSL chat server and allows to send message to it and receive new messages.
This example is very similar to the TCP one except the code that prepares SSL context and handshake handler.
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace SslChatClient
class ChatClient : SslClient
public ChatClient(SslContext context, string address, int port) : base(context, address, port) {}
public void DisconnectAndStop()
_stop = true;
while (IsConnected)
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL client connected a new session with Id {Id}");
protected override void OnHandshaked()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL client handshaked a new session with Id {Id}");
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL client disconnected a session with Id {Id}");
// Wait for a while...
// Try to connect again
if (!_stop)
protected override void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size));
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL client caught an error with code {error}");
private bool _stop;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// SSL server address
string address = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
address = args[0];
// SSL server port
int port = 2222;
if (args.Length > 1)
port = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"SSL server address: {address}");
Console.WriteLine($"SSL server port: {port}");
// Create and prepare a new SSL client context
var context = new SslContext(SslProtocols.Tls12, new X509Certificate2("client.pfx", "qwerty"), (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);
// Create a new SSL chat client
var client = new ChatClient(context, address, port);
// Connect the client
Console.Write("Client connecting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Disconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
// Send the entered text to the chat server
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes the example of the UDP echo server. It receives a datagram mesage from any UDP client and resend it back without any changes.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace UdpEchoServer
class EchoServer : UdpServer
public EchoServer(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
protected override void OnStarted()
// Start receive datagrams
protected override void OnReceived(EndPoint endpoint, byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
Console.WriteLine("Incoming: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size));
// Echo the message back to the sender
SendAsync(endpoint, buffer, 0, size);
protected override void OnSent(EndPoint endpoint, long sent)
// Continue receive datagrams
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Echo UDP server caught an error with code {error}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// UDP server port
int port = 3333;
if (args.Length > 0)
port = int.Parse(args[0]);
Console.WriteLine($"UDP server port: {port}");
// Create a new UDP echo server
var server = new EchoServer(IPAddress.Any, port);
// Start the server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the UDP echo client. It sends user datagram message to UDP server and listen for response.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using UdpClient = NetCoreServer.UdpClient;
namespace UdpEchoClient
class EchoClient : UdpClient
public EchoClient(string address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
public void DisconnectAndStop()
_stop = true;
while (IsConnected)
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Echo UDP client connected a new session with Id {Id}");
// Start receive datagrams
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Echo UDP client disconnected a session with Id {Id}");
// Wait for a while...
// Try to connect again
if (!_stop)
protected override void OnReceived(EndPoint endpoint, byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
Console.WriteLine("Incoming: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size));
// Continue receive datagrams
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Echo UDP client caught an error with code {error}");
private bool _stop;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// UDP server address
string address = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
address = args[0];
// UDP server port
int port = 3333;
if (args.Length > 1)
port = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"UDP server address: {address}");
Console.WriteLine($"UDP server port: {port}");
// Create a new TCP chat client
var client = new EchoClient(address, port);
// Connect the client
Console.Write("Client connecting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Disconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
// Send the entered text to the chat server
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes the example of the UDP multicast server. It use multicast IP address to multicast datagram messages to all client that joined corresponding UDP multicast group.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace UdpMulticastServer
class MulticastServer : UdpServer
public MulticastServer(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Multicast UDP server caught an error with code {error}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// UDP multicast address
string multicastAddress = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
multicastAddress = args[0];
// UDP multicast port
int multicastPort = 3334;
if (args.Length > 1)
multicastPort = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"UDP multicast address: {multicastAddress}");
Console.WriteLine($"UDP multicast port: {multicastPort}");
// Create a new UDP multicast server
var server = new MulticastServer(IPAddress.Any, 0);
// Start the multicast server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
server.Start(multicastAddress, multicastPort);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Multicast admin message to all sessions
line = "(admin) " + line;
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the UDP multicast client. It use multicast IP address and joins UDP multicast group in order to receive multicasted datagram messages from UDP server.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using UdpClient = NetCoreServer.UdpClient;
namespace UdpMulticastClient
class MulticastClient : UdpClient
public string Multicast;
public MulticastClient(string address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
public void DisconnectAndStop()
_stop = true;
while (IsConnected)
protected override void OnConnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Multicast UDP client connected a new session with Id {Id}");
// Join UDP multicast group
// Start receive datagrams
protected override void OnDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Multicast UDP client disconnected a session with Id {Id}");
// Wait for a while...
// Try to connect again
if (!_stop)
protected override void OnReceived(EndPoint endpoint, byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
Console.WriteLine("Incoming: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size));
// Continue receive datagrams
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Multicast UDP client caught an error with code {error}");
private bool _stop;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// UDP listen address
string listenAddress = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
listenAddress = args[0];
// UDP multicast address
string multicastAddress = "";
if (args.Length > 1)
multicastAddress = args[1];
// UDP multicast port
int multicastPort = 3334;
if (args.Length > 2)
multicastPort = int.Parse(args[2]);
Console.WriteLine($"UDP listen address: {listenAddress}");
Console.WriteLine($"UDP multicast address: {multicastAddress}");
Console.WriteLine($"UDP multicast port: {multicastPort}");
// Create a new TCP chat client
var client = new MulticastClient(listenAddress, multicastPort);
client.Multicast = multicastAddress;
// Connect the client
Console.Write("Client connecting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Disconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes the example of the HTTP cache server. It allows to manipulate cache data with HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE).
Use the following link to open Swagger OpenAPI iterative documentation: http://localhost:8080/api/index.html
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace HttpServer
class CommonCache
public static CommonCache GetInstance()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new CommonCache();
return _instance;
public bool GetCache(string key, out string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
if (_cache.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return true;
return false;
public void SetCache(string key, string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
_cache[key] = value;
public bool DeleteCache(string key, out string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
if (_cache.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return true;
return false;
private readonly object _cacheLock = new object();
private SortedDictionary<string, string> _cache = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
private static CommonCache _instance;
class HttpCacheSession : HttpSession
public HttpCacheSession(NetCoreServer.HttpServer server) : base(server) {}
protected override void OnReceivedRequest(HttpRequest request)
// Show HTTP request content
// Process HTTP request methods
if (request.Method == "HEAD")
else if (request.Method == "GET")
// Get the cache value
string cache;
if (CommonCache.GetInstance().GetCache(request.Url, out cache))
// Response with the cache value
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Required cache value was not found for the key: " + request.Url));
else if ((request.Method == "POST") || (request.Method == "PUT"))
// Set the cache value
CommonCache.GetInstance().SetCache(request.Url, request.Body);
// Response with the cache value
else if (request.Method == "DELETE")
// Delete the cache value
string cache;
if (CommonCache.GetInstance().DeleteCache(request.Url, out cache))
// Response with the cache value
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Deleted cache value was not found for the key: " + request.Url));
else if (request.Method == "OPTIONS")
else if (request.Method == "TRACE")
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Unsupported HTTP method: " + request.Method));
protected override void OnReceivedRequestError(HttpRequest request, string error)
Console.WriteLine($"Request error: {error}");
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP session caught an error: {error.ToString()}");
class HttpCacheServer : NetCoreServer.HttpServer
public HttpCacheServer(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port) {}
protected override TcpSession CreateSession() { return new HttpCacheSession(this); }
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP session caught an error: {error.ToString()}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// HTTP server port
int port = 8080;
if (args.Length > 0)
port = int.Parse(args[0]);
// HTTP server content path
string www = "../../../../../www/api";
if (args.Length > 1)
www = args[1];
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP server port: {port}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP server static content path: {www}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP server website: http://localhost:{port}/api/index.html");
// Create a new HTTP server
var server = new HttpCacheServer(IPAddress.Any, port);
server.AddStaticContent(www, "/api");
// Start the server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the HTTP client. It allows to send HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) and receive HTTP responses.
using System;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace HttpClient
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// HTTP server address
string address = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
address = args[0];
// HTTP server port
int port = 8080;
if (args.Length > 1)
port = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP server address: {address}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTP server port: {port}");
// Create a new HTTP client
var client = new HttpClientEx(address, port);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Reconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client reconnecting...");
if (client.IsConnected)
var commands = line.Split(' ');
if (commands.Length < 2)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method and URL must be entered!");
if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "HEAD")
var response = client.SendHeadRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "GET")
var response = client.SendGetRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "POST")
if (commands.Length < 3)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method, URL and body must be entered!");
var response = client.SendPostRequest(commands[1], commands[2]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "PUT")
if (commands.Length < 3)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method, URL and body must be entered!");
var response = client.SendPutRequest(commands[1], commands[2]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "DELETE")
var response = client.SendDeleteRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "OPTIONS")
var response = client.SendOptionsRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "TRACE")
var response = client.SendTraceRequest(commands[1]).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Unknown HTTP method");
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes the example of the HTTPS cache server. It allows to manipulate cache data with HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) with secured transport protocol.
Use the following link to open Swagger OpenAPI iterative documentation: https://localhost:8443/api/index.html
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace HttpsServer
class CommonCache
public static CommonCache GetInstance()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new CommonCache();
return _instance;
public bool GetCache(string key, out string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
if (_cache.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return true;
return false;
public void SetCache(string key, string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
_cache[key] = value;
public bool DeleteCache(string key, out string value)
lock (_cacheLock)
if (_cache.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return true;
return false;
private readonly object _cacheLock = new object();
private SortedDictionary<string, string> _cache = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
private static CommonCache _instance;
class HttpsCacheSession : HttpsSession
public HttpsCacheSession(NetCoreServer.HttpsServer server) : base(server) { }
protected override void OnReceivedRequest(HttpRequest request)
// Show HTTP request content
// Process HTTP request methods
if (request.Method == "HEAD")
else if (request.Method == "GET")
// Get the cache value
string cache;
if (CommonCache.GetInstance().GetCache(request.Url, out cache))
// Response with the cache value
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Required cache value was not found for the key: " + request.Url));
else if ((request.Method == "POST") || (request.Method == "PUT"))
// Set the cache value
CommonCache.GetInstance().SetCache(request.Url, request.Body);
// Response with the cache value
else if (request.Method == "DELETE")
// Delete the cache value
string cache;
if (CommonCache.GetInstance().DeleteCache(request.Url, out cache))
// Response with the cache value
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Deleted cache value was not found for the key: " + request.Url));
else if (request.Method == "OPTIONS")
else if (request.Method == "TRACE")
SendResponseAsync(Response.MakeErrorResponse("Unsupported HTTP method: " + request.Method));
protected override void OnReceivedRequestError(HttpRequest request, string error)
Console.WriteLine($"Request error: {error}");
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS session caught an error: {error.ToString()}");
class HttpsCacheServer : NetCoreServer.HttpsServer
public HttpsCacheServer(SslContext context, IPAddress address, int port) : base(context, address, port) {}
protected override SslSession CreateSession() { return new HttpsCacheSession(this); }
protected override void OnError(SocketError error)
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server caught an error: {error.ToString()}");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// HTTPS server port
int port = 8443;
if (args.Length > 0)
port = int.Parse(args[0]);
// HTTPS server content path
string www = "../../../../../www/api";
if (args.Length > 1)
www = args[1];
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server port: {port}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server static content path: {www}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server website: https://localhost:{port}/api/index.html");
// Create and prepare a new SSL server context
var context = new SslContext(SslProtocols.Tls12, new X509Certificate2("server.pfx", "qwerty"));
// Create a new HTTP server
var server = new HttpsCacheServer(context, IPAddress.Any, port);
server.AddStaticContent(www, "/api");
// Start the server
Console.Write("Server starting...");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the server or '!' to restart the server...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Restart the server
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Server restarting...");
// Stop the server
Console.Write("Server stopping...");
Here comes the example of the HTTPS client. It allows to send HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) and receive HTTP responses with secured transport protocol.
using System;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using NetCoreServer;
namespace HttpsClient
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// HTTPS server address
string address = "";
if (args.Length > 0)
address = args[0];
// HTTPS server port
int port = 8443;
if (args.Length > 1)
port = int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server address: {address}");
Console.WriteLine($"HTTPS server port: {port}");
// Create and prepare a new SSL client context
var context = new SslContext(SslProtocols.Tls12, new X509Certificate2("client.pfx", "qwerty"), (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);
// Create a new HTTPS client
var client = new HttpsClientEx(context, address, port);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to stop the client or '!' to reconnect the client...");
// Perform text input
for (;;)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// Reconnect the client
if (line == "!")
Console.Write("Client reconnecting...");
if (client.IsConnected)
var commands = line.Split(' ');
if (commands.Length < 2)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method and URL must be entered!");
if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "HEAD")
var response = client.SendHeadRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "GET")
var response = client.SendGetRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "POST")
if (commands.Length < 3)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method, URL and body must be entered!");
var response = client.SendPostRequest(commands[1], commands[2]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "PUT")
if (commands.Length < 3)
Console.WriteLine("HTTP method, URL and body must be entered!");
var response = client.SendPutRequest(commands[1], commands[2]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "DELETE")
var response = client.SendDeleteRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "OPTIONS")
var response = client.SendOptionsRequest(commands[1]).Result;
else if (commands[0].ToUpper() == "TRACE")
var response = client.SendTraceRequest(commands[1]).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Unknown HTTP method");
// Disconnect the client
Console.Write("Client disconnecting...");
Here comes several communication scenarios with timing measurements.
Benchmark environment is the following:
CPU architecutre: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
CPU logical cores: 8
CPU physical cores: 4
CPU clock speed: 3.998 GHz
CPU Hyper-Threading: enabled
RAM total: 31.962 GiB
RAM free: 21.623 GiB
OS version: Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise Edition (build 9200), 64-bit
OS bits: 64-bit
Process bits: 64-bit
Process configuaraion: release
This scenario sends lots of messages from several clients to a server. The server responses to each message and resend the similar response to the client. The benchmark measures total Round-trip time to send all messages and receive all responses, messages & data throughput, count of errors.
Server address:
Server port: 1111
Working clients: 1
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.017 s
Total data: 389.962 MiB
Total messages: 12777566
Data throughput: 38.948 MiB/s
Message latency: 783 ns
Message throughput: 1275543 msg/s
- TcpEchoServer
- TcpEchoClient -c 100
Server address:
Server port: 1111
Working clients: 100
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.179 s
Total data: 884.520 MiB
Total messages: 28983575
Data throughput: 86.911 MiB/s
Message latency: 351 ns
Message throughput: 2847229 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 2222
Working clients: 1
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.088 s
Total data: 41.873 MiB
Total messages: 1371444
Data throughput: 4.152 MiB/s
Message latency: 7.356 mcs
Message throughput: 135939 msg/s
- SslEchoServer
- SslEchoClient -c 100
Server address:
Server port: 2222
Working clients: 100
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 12.270 s
Total data: 187.644 MiB
Total messages: 6148244
Data throughput: 15.298 MiB/s
Message latency: 1.995 mcs
Message throughput: 501056 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 3333
Working clients: 1
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.023 s
Total data: 38.614 MiB
Total messages: 1264835
Data throughput: 3.871 MiB/s
Message latency: 7.924 mcs
Message throughput: 126187 msg/s
- UdpEchoServer
- UdpEchoClient -c 100
Server address:
Server port: 3333
Working clients: 100
Working messages: 1000
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.465 s
Total data: 32.683 MiB
Total messages: 1070523
Data throughput: 3.124 MiB/s
Message latency: 9.776 mcs
Message throughput: 102287 msg/s
In this scenario server multicasts messages to all connected clients. The benchmark counts total messages received by all clients for all the working time and measures messages & data throughput, count of errors.
Server address:
Server port: 1111
Working clients: 1
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.019 s
Total data: 66.374 MiB
Total messages: 2174676
Data throughput: 6.638 MiB/s
Message latency: 4.607 mcs
Message throughput: 217051 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 1111
Working clients: 100
Message size: 32
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.031 s
Total data: 127.428 MiB
Total messages: 4175253
Data throughput: 12.718 MiB/s
Message latency: 2.402 mcs
Message throughput: 416205 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 2222
Working clients: 1
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.091 s
Total data: 46.905 MiB
Total messages: 1536317
Data throughput: 4.661 MiB/s
Message latency: 6.568 mcs
Message throughput: 152236 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 2222
Working clients: 100
Message size: 32
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.278 s
Total data: 66.540 MiB
Total messages: 2179997
Data throughput: 6.483 MiB/s
Message latency: 4.715 mcs
Message throughput: 212083 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 3333
Working clients: 1
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.020 s
Total data: 15.961 MiB
Total messages: 522293
Data throughput: 1.604 MiB/s
Message latency: 19.185 mcs
Message throughput: 52123 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 3333
Working clients: 100
Message size: 32
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.029 s
Total data: 55.614 MiB
Total messages: 1821897
Data throughput: 5.556 MiB/s
Message latency: 5.504 mcs
Message throughput: 181656 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 8080
Working clients: 1
Working messages: 1
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.029 s
Total data: 9.737 MiB
Total messages: 96157
Data throughput: 992.417 KiB/s
Message latency: 104.307 mcs
Message throughput: 9587 msg/s
- HttpTraceServer
- HttpTraceClient -c 100
Server address:
Server port: 8080
Working threads: 4
Working clients: 100
Working messages: 1
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.928 s
Total data: 32.644 MiB
Total messages: 322782
Data throughput: 2.1009 MiB/s
Message latency: 33.855 mcs
Message throughput: 29537 msg/s
Server address:
Server port: 8443
Working clients: 1
Working messages: 1
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.003 s
Total data: 22.625 MiB
Total messages: 223672
Data throughput: 2.266 MiB/s
Message latency: 44.724 mcs
Message throughput: 22359 msg/s
- HttpsTraceServer
- HttpsTraceClient -c 100
Server address:
Server port: 8443
Working threads: 4
Working clients: 100
Working messages: 1
Seconds to benchmarking: 10
Errors: 0
Total time: 10.162 s
Total data: 92.492 MiB
Total messages: 914845
Data throughput: 9.103 MiB/s
Message latency: 11.107 mcs
Message throughput: 90025 msg/s
In order to create OpenSSL based server and client you should prepare a set of SSL certificates. Here comes several steps to get a self-signed set of SSL certificates for testing purposes:
- Create CA private key
openssl genrsa -passout pass:qwerty -out ca-secret.key 4096
- Remove passphrase
openssl rsa -passin pass:qwerty -in ca-secret.key -out ca.key
- Create CA self-signed certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -subj '/C=BY/ST=Belarus/L=Minsk/O=Example root CA/OU=Example CA unit/CN=example.com' -key ca.key -out ca.crt
- Convert CA self-signed certificate to PFX
openssl pkcs12 -export -passout pass:qwerty -inkey ca.key -in ca.crt -out ca.pfx
- Convert CA self-signed certificate to PEM
openssl pkcs12 -passin pass:qwerty -passout pass:qwerty -in ca.pfx -out ca.pem
- Create private key for the server
openssl genrsa -passout pass:qwerty -out server-secret.key 4096
- Remove passphrase
openssl rsa -passin pass:qwerty -in server-secret.key -out server.key
- Create CSR for the server
openssl req -new -subj '/C=BY/ST=Belarus/L=Minsk/O=Example server/OU=Example server unit/CN=server.example.com' -key server.key -out server.csr
- Create certificate for the server
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out server.crt
- Convert the server certificate to PFX
openssl pkcs12 -export -passout pass:qwerty -inkey server.key -in server.crt -out server.pfx
- Convert the server certificate to PEM
openssl pkcs12 -passin pass:qwerty -passout pass:qwerty -in server.pfx -out server.pem
- Create private key for the client
openssl genrsa -passout pass:qwerty -out client-secret.key 4096
- Remove passphrase
openssl rsa -passin pass:qwerty -in client-secret.key -out client.key
- Create CSR for the client
openssl req -new -subj '/C=BY/ST=Belarus/L=Minsk/O=Example client/OU=Example client unit/CN=client.example.com' -key client.key -out client.csr
- Create the client certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt
- Convert the client certificate to PFX
openssl pkcs12 -export -passout pass:qwerty -inkey client.key -in client.crt -out client.pfx
- Convert the client certificate to PEM
openssl pkcs12 -passin pass:qwerty -passout pass:qwerty -in client.pfx -out client.pem
- Create DH parameters
openssl dhparam -out dh4096.pem 4096