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\f0\b\fs36 \cf0 ComplexBrowser\

\b0\fs24 \cf0 ComplexBrowser is a more advanced version of SimpleBrowser. It extends on the SimpleBrowser example by adding more customization. It only supports the new SnowLeopard item-based browser API, but it is possible to use the same concepts with the old API. It demonstrates header views, preview views, custom cells, and drag and drop.\

\b\fs28 \cf0 AppController.h/.m\

\b0\fs24 \cf0 The AppController class lives in the MainMenu.xib. It is set as the delegate for the main NSApplication instance, and the delegate for the NSBrowser. It also has a single outlet set to the browser.  This class contains the root delegate implementation to provide data for the browser, and implements drag and drop.\

\b\fs28 \cf0 FileSystemNode.h/.m\

\b0\fs24 \cf0 This class is a simple wrapper around the file system. Its main purpose is to cache the children for a given NSURL. We do this in order to get a consistent children count. \

\b\fs28 \cf0 FileSystemBrowserCell.h/.m
\fs24 \

\b0 \cf0 A simple custom cell that draws the file system icon at the appropriate location.\