Folders and files
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf980 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \f0\b\fs36 \cf0 ComplexBrowser\ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b0\fs24 \cf0 ComplexBrowser is a more advanced version of SimpleBrowser. It extends on the SimpleBrowser example by adding more customization. It only supports the new SnowLeopard item-based browser API, but it is possible to use the same concepts with the old API. It demonstrates header views, preview views, custom cells, and drag and drop.\ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b\fs28 \cf0 AppController.h/.m\ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b0\fs24 \cf0 The AppController class lives in the MainMenu.xib. It is set as the delegate for the main NSApplication instance, and the delegate for the NSBrowser. It also has a single outlet set to the browser. This class contains the root delegate implementation to provide data for the browser, and implements drag and drop.\ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b\fs28 \cf0 FileSystemNode.h/.m\ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b0\fs24 \cf0 This class is a simple wrapper around the file system. Its main purpose is to cache the children for a given NSURL. We do this in order to get a consistent children count. \ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b\fs28 \cf0 FileSystemBrowserCell.h/.m \fs24 \ \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\ql\qnatural \b0 \cf0 A simple custom cell that draws the file system icon at the appropriate location.\ \ }