The main purpose at the current stage is to support decryption of encrypted voice channels in the presence of an encryption key.
Additionally, the firmware has minor tweaks that make using the scanner more convenient:
- Zip, F-Zip, Range key mapping
- No band gaps
- Show extended Net/System/Site/TG info for any custom search name
- Extended Debug Logs
- Unmute encripted voice traffic (optional)
- Show Encryption Algo and Key ID
- Show RSSI for BCD models
- LED Alert during digital voice, not just at the beginning of the voice (optional)
The latest firmware versions can be downloaded in Releases
- BCD436HP CF 1.99.41
- BCD536HP CF 1.99.41
- SDS100 CF 1.99.41
- UBCD3600XLT CF 1.99.41
- SDS100E CF 1.99.41
- SDS200 CF 1.99.41
- SDS200E CF 1.99.41
- UBCD436PT CF 1.99.41
- USDS100 CF 1.99.41
- UBCD536PT CF 1.99.24
Youtube: How start to using the OpenScanner Custom Firmware for Uniden Scanners
Why is it taking so long for there to be no updates?
- This is my hobby project that I do in my free time. As a ordinary person, I'm not perfect, so you can put any of the suggested reasons: laziness, burnout, switching to other interesting projects, lack of free time, illness, and finally death.
How does custom firmware affect the official paid options (DMR, NXDN, Provoice, Waterfall)?
- It doesn't have any effect.
Does the firmware search for encryption keys?
- No, it's not legal
Is it possible to go back to the official firmware?
- Yes. See the information in the modification description for each scanner, under Revert to Official Firmware
How do I know the version of the custom firmware on the scanner?
- This is indicated on the scanner's second boot screen.
Why is the version in the About menu not changing?
- The firmware is based on the official version, it does not change the official version number. In fact, it is a mod that has its own version.
How do I write to you in a private message on Telegram.
- If you can find my Telegram account, I'll be happy to answer your questions there. Otherwise, my e-mail address is at the bottom of the page.
How much free space in the firmware? And how much is total?
- There is about 300KB of free space in the BCD436HP scanner. At the moment the mod code takes up about 40KB. The total space is 2MB.
If I want a specific feature in the scanner, how do I tell you about it.
- Add it here, I will consider your request, if it is useful enough (from my point of view) then maybe I will add it someday.
Will there be a custom firmware release for the BCD996p2/BCD325P2? Whistler TRX? AOR DV? Tetra? D-Star?
- After I win the lottery 1 million dollars (I don't play lotteries).
We've been mentioned here:
- TetraHub (France)
- Radioreference (US)
- Radioscanner (Russia)
- ScannerForum (Scandinavia)
- All Scanners (Russia)
- Uniden UBCD3600 xlt/sds100/200 (Spain)
- RDForum (US)
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