- Guided A3C: Speeding up training with expert actions.
- Observation state preprocessing: scaling: Using data-unconditioned methods to feed agent.
- New Datafeed API: Brief intro to BTGym data flow design.
Research_code_4_11, 07.01.18:
- A3C_STACKED_LSTM: Stacked_LSTM_Policy agent basic usage example.
Research_code_4_6, 24.11.17:
A3C_4_6: A3C demo on synthetic or real historic data
UNREAL_4_6: UNREAL/PPO demo on synthetic or real historic data
- Atari tests: Gym-Atari tests for A3C, BaseAAC, PPO.
- BTgym setup for asynchronous training: getting ready for A3C.
- Rendering howto: get cool pictures.
Setting up environment [full]: configure everything.
Setting up environment [basic]: making environment using basic built-in parameters.
Very basic setup: run me first.