Build: LA.UM.6.3.r6-03300-sdm845.0-1
📱 Send Instant Push Notifications to your Android Phone through a REST-API.
A list of cyber-chef recipes and curated links
Perform signature analysis on specified files
Stealing Signatures and Making One Invalid Signature at a Time
A powerful and user-friendly binary analysis platform!
Python-based Comprehensive Network Packet Analysis Library
Repository of tools, YARA rules, and code-snippets from Stairwell's research team.
A YARA rules repository continuously updated for monitoring the old and new threats from articles, incidents responses ...
A binary static analysis tool that provides security and correctness results for Windows Portable Executable and *nix ELF binary formats
Digital Forensics Investigation Platform
Polymorph is a real-time network packet manipulation framework with support for almost all existing protocols
It was developed to speed up the processes of SOC Analysts during analysis
A collection of tools developed by other researchers in the Computer Science area to process network traces. All the right reserved for the original authors.
Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
WireShark with PAINT (Process Attribution In Network Traffic) Mods
Python modules for extracting data from pcap files via Wireshark (tshark)
Lua based plugin for Wireshark network sniffer to display more information about HTTP traffic
Wireshark profiles that aids to packet analysis
webShark: Wireshark & PCAPs in your browser, 100% Open-Source Cloudshark alternative based on sharkd
Wireshark Settings for Malware Network Analysis Based on
Simple script to run wireshark locally getting traffic dump from a remote host through ssh + tcpdump.
PCAP aggregator and centralized storage; mirror of