If you use COMPAS FAB in a project, please use the following citation:
title={{COMPAS~FAB}: Robotic fabrication package for the COMPAS Framework},
Rust, R. and
Casas, G. and
Parascho, S. and
Jenny, D. and
D\"{o}rfler, K. and
Helmreich, M. and
Gandia, A. and
Ma, Z. and
Ariza, I. and
Pacher, M. and
Lytle, B. and
Huang, Y. and
Kasirer, C.
note={Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Z\"{u}rich},
- Gramazio Kohler Research @gramaziokohler
- Romana Rust <[email protected]> @romanarust
- Gonzalo Casas <[email protected]> @gonzalocasas
- Stefana Parascho <[email protected]> @stefanaparascho
- David Jenny <[email protected]> @DavidJenny
- Kathrin Dörfler <[email protected]> @kathrindoerfler
- Matthias Helmreich <[email protected]> @mhelmrei
- Augusto Gandia <[email protected]> @augustogandia
- Zhao Ma <[email protected]> @xarthurx
- Inés Ariza <[email protected]> @inesariza
- Matteo Pacher <[email protected]> @matteo-pacher
- Beverly Lytle <[email protected]> @beverlylytle
- Yijiang Huang <[email protected]> @yijiangh
- Chen Kasirer <[email protected]> @chenkasirer
- Edvard Bruun <[email protected]> @ebruun