在 TiDB 中,我们维护的统计信息包括表的总行数,列的等深直方图,Count-Min Sketch,Null 值的个数,平均长度,不同值的数目等等 用于快速估算代价。
相比于等宽直方图,等深直方图在最坏情况下也可以很好的保证误差 等深直方图,就是落入每个桶里的值数量尽量相等。
Count-Min Sketch 是一种可以处理等值查询,Join 大小估计等的数据结构,并且可以提供很强的准确性保证。自 2003 年在文献 An improved data stream summary: The count-min sketch and its applications 中提出以来,由于其创建和使用的简单性获得了广泛的使用。
// Histogram represents statistics for a column or index.
type Histogram struct {
ID int64 // Column ID.
NDV int64 // Number of distinct values.
NullCount int64 // Number of null values.
// LastUpdateVersion is the version that this histogram updated last time.
LastUpdateVersion uint64
Tp *types.FieldType
// Histogram elements.
// A bucket bound is the smallest and greatest values stored in the bucket. The lower and upper bound
// are stored in one column.
// A bucket count is the number of items stored in all previous buckets and the current bucket.
// Bucket counts are always in increasing order.
// A bucket repeat is the number of repeats of the bucket value, it can be used to find popular values.
Bounds *chunk.Chunk
Buckets []Bucket
// Used for estimating fraction of the interval [lower, upper] that lies within the [lower, value].
// For some types like `Int`, we do not build it because we can get them directly from `Bounds`.
scalars []scalar
// TotColSize is the total column size for the histogram.
// For unfixed-len types, it includes LEN and BYTE.
TotColSize int64
// Correlation is the statistical correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering of
// the column values. This ranges from -1 to +1, and it is only valid for Column histogram, not for
// Index histogram.
Correlation float64
// Bucket store the bucket count and repeat.
type Bucket struct {
Count int64
Repeat int64
type scalar struct {
lower float64
upper float64
commonPfxLen int // commonPfxLen is the common prefix length of the lower bound and upper bound when the value type is KindString or KindBytes.
在执行 analyze 语句的时候,TiDB 会将 analyze 请求下推到每一个 Region 上,然后将每一个 Region 的结果合并起来。
Analyze 语句
Datasource对应的一些Executor: TableReaderExecutor
, IndexReaderExecutor
, IndexMergeReaderExecutor
// Feedback represents the total scan count in range [lower, upper).
type Feedback struct {
Lower *types.Datum
Upper *types.Datum
Count int64
Repeat int64
// QueryFeedback is used to represent the query feedback info. It contains the query's scan ranges and number of rows
// in each range.
type QueryFeedback struct {
PhysicalID int64
Hist *Histogram
Tp int
Feedback []Feedback
Expected int64 // Expected is the Expected scan count of corresponding query.
actual int64 // actual is the actual scan count of corresponding query.
Valid bool // Valid represents the whether this query feedback is still Valid.
desc bool // desc represents the corresponding query is desc scan.
// TablesRangesToKVRanges converts table ranges to "KeyRange".
func TablesRangesToKVRanges(tids []int64, ranges []*ranger.Range, fb *statistics.QueryFeedback) []kv.KeyRange {
if fb == nil || fb.Hist == nil {
return tableRangesToKVRangesWithoutSplit(tids, ranges)
krs := make([]kv.KeyRange, 0, len(ranges))
feedbackRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
low := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.LowVal[0].GetInt64())
high := codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.HighVal[0].GetInt64())
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
// If this range is split by histogram, then the high val will equal to one bucket's upper bound,
// since we need to guarantee each range falls inside the exactly one bucket, `PrefixNext` will make the
// high value greater than upper bound, so we store the range here.
r := &ranger.Range{LowVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(low)},
HighVal: []types.Datum{types.NewBytesDatum(high)}}
feedbackRanges = append(feedbackRanges, r)
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
for _, tid := range tids {
startKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, low)
endKey := tablecodec.EncodeRowKey(tid, high)
krs = append(krs, kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startKey, EndKey: endKey})
return krs
定期apply 这些feedback到自己的cache中。以及将这些
feedback apply到mysql.stats_*
, msyql.stats_buckets
每个TiDB server有个goroutine 周期性的更新stat信息 Handle can update stats info periodically.
在TiDB启动时候,会启动一个goroutine, loadStatsWorker
Update, 更新statsCache
加载载table的Histogram和CMSketch tableStatsFromStorage
// StatsNode is used for calculating selectivity.
type StatsNode struct {
Tp int
ID int64
// mask is a bit pattern whose ith bit will indicate whether the ith expression is covered by this index/column.
mask int64
// Ranges contains all the Ranges we got.
Ranges []*ranger.Range
// Selectivity indicates the Selectivity of this column/index.
Selectivity float64
// numCols is the number of columns contained in the index or column(which is always 1).
numCols int
// partCover indicates whether the bit in the mask is for a full cover or partial cover. It is only true
// when the condition is a DNF expression on index, and the expression is not totally extracted as access condition.
partCover bool
// Selectivity is a function calculate the selectivity of the expressions.
// The definition of selectivity is (row count after filter / row count before filter).
// And exprs must be CNF now, in other words, `exprs[0] and exprs[1] and ... and exprs[len - 1]` should be held when you call this.
// Currently the time complexity is o(n^2).
- 计算表达式的ranges: ExtractColumnsFromExpressions
- correlated column 是什么意思?
- maskCovered作用是什么
- statsNode的作用是什么