- London
- http://emx2.co.uk/
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
domaven / xamarin-plugins
Forked from rdelrosario/xamarin-pluginsCross platform Xamarin & Windows plugins for PCLs
xinmeng1 / Get-iOS-Model
Forked from dannycabrera/Get-iOS-ModelGet the iOS model using the hw.machine string
A color picker component for Monotouch
This is a sample that shows how to add authentication to an Angular 2 (ng2) app
Sublime Text 2 colour scheme for PhpStorm, AppCode, IntelliJ, etc (Jetbrains products) (added Obj-C & Java support).
Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices.
xinmeng1 / ng-demos
Forked from johnpapa/ng-demosvariety of angular demos
xinmeng1 / angular-registration-login-example
Forked from cornflourblue/angular-registration-login-exampleAngularJS User Registration and Login Example
Seed project for serious angular apps.
Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views.
A swipe menu for ListView.
Android ListView that mimics a GridView with asymmetric items. Supports items with row span and column span
Android ImageView to display avatar
lastfm / lastfm-android
Forked from c99koder/lastfm-androidThe official Last.fm Android application suite