Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace…
Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
一套遵循原生态开发模式的 Web UI 组件库,采用自身轻量级模块化规范,易上手,可以更简单快速地构建网页界面。
A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem.
Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim.
Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮
一款创新跨平台摸鱼神器,支持小说、股票、网页、视频、直播、PDF、游戏等摸鱼模式,为上班族打造的上班必备神器,使用此软件可以让上班倍感轻松,远离 ICU。
✍️ Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.
大屏数据可视化 Big screen data visualization demo
This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images.
《专 业 团 队》🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 ⚰️🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 | 专治 CSDN 广告与各种灵魂打击 | 🐵 油猴脚本 | TamperMonkey | Chrome | FireFox | CSDN 页面浮窗广告完全过滤净化 | 国服最强 CSDN 绿化脚本
Create Anime Characters with MakeGirlsMoe
If you stop typing for more than five seconds, all progress will be lost.
Create animated mockups in the browser 🔥
The monitoring system, develop their own powerful and flexible configuration
A Chrome/Firefox extension with custom new tab page featuring Chinese poems and P5.js enabled noise waves in traditional Chinese colors
Display Github Trending repositories on Chrome New Tab Extensions
a startpage for your server and / or new tab page
Make your Notion pretty with custom themes
将书签转换为具有视觉吸引力且用户友好的导航页面。Transform bookmarks into a visually appealing and user-friendly navigation page.