Forked from santi921/bondnetA predictive framework for accelerated Hydrolysis Energy Predictions of Organic Molecules
oxpig / Paragraph
Forked from lewis-chinery/ParagraphAntibody paratope prediction using Graph Neural Networks with minimal feature vectors
oxpig / ImmuneBuilder
Forked from brennanaba/ImmuneBuilderPredict the structure of immune receptor proteins
Forked from kmansouri/OPERAFree and open-source application (command line and GUI) providing QSAR models predictions as well as applicability domain and accuracy assessment for physicochemical properties, environmental fate …
oxpig / ABlooper
Forked from brennanaba/ABlooperTool for modelling the CDRs of antibodies
A Python CLI tool to convert PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) files to Adobe PDF
python parser for BigSMILES line notation
Python based api for searching google web, images, calc, and currency conversion.
lmmpf / PyAutoFEP
Forked from luancarvalhomartins/PyAutoFEPPyAutoFEP: an automated FEP workflow for GROMACS integrating enhanced sampling methods
rifdock / rifdock
Forked from bcov77/schemeRifdock Library for Conformational Search
oxpig / dlab-public
Forked from con-schneider/dlab-publicCode for the paper "DLAB - Deep learning methods for structure-basedvirtual screening of antibodies"
xuanwang91 / LM-LSTM-CRF
Forked from yuzhimanhua/LM-LSTM-CRFCross-type Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Deep Multi-task Learning
botushadow / PyFBA
Forked from linsalrob/PyFBAA python implementation of flux balance analysis to model microbial metabolism